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U.S. Seals

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U.S. Seals (2000)

January. 18,2000
| Action
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Dozens of American cargos with high valuable goods have disappeared, probably attacked by modern pirates. The United States decide to mobilize a team of expert SWAT, with Mike Bradley as leader, sending them to destroy the pirates' base, namely a deserted oil rig near Turkey. But these are cleverly waiting for them.


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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


It is a performances centric movie


I'll tell you why so serious

Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.


It's much too obvious that the glowing positive comments supposedly from military types are actually shills who are related to the producers, or more likely fans of the star, Jim Fitzputrid - many of them have only one or two comments in total. The negative reviews are correct: "U.S. Seals" IS that horrible.It's a damn shame William Witney is no longer with us. He could have shown the producers how to do an action movie correctly, and make it actually entertaining. And he worked with low budgets at Republic studios. About all that "U.S. Seals" has in common with the old B-Westerns and B war films (many of which Witney directed) is shootouts in which the bad guys can't hit the side of a battleship, yet the good guys fire wild shots that magically kill the baddies, often bloodlessly.The threadbare production is embarrassing. The command center that looks like someone's living room, American military personnel using Russian weapons, the visible squib wires running up the bad guy's leg in the scene where he's shot to death-- these have been pointed out in the other reviews (the ones not posted by shills, of course).Watching this back to back with "American Soldiers" is recommended only for the masochistic.


Place me over your knee and spank my bottom. I knew I'd seen this yank before. Mr. Irishman form the U.S. Fitzpatrick, played a character so melancholy, that it's difficult to accept he might be same lad. Sadness, pouting, and soft hearted mushy pusses is not what you might expect from a U.S. Seal! Please don't quote me, but I believe Mr. Fitzpatrick is either a fine actor, or he's got a twin somewhere in the States. The Seals flick was actually much more compelling than one would expect. It had all the fire and brimstone of a Clint Eastwood flick, which I love. Not that I am equating Eastwood and Fitzpatrick. I was somewhat impressed with this yanks range, something we Brits rarely witness across the pond.


This one will definitely go in my repeat viewing collection!!! Jim Fitzpatrick has always been able to pull at your heartstrings (Pierce, 'All My Children'), but he never looked better than he does as an American Soldier, WOW!! You can't help but feel for his loss of his wife, and you so enjoy the "Fighting" between him and the bad guy, and can't wait till Fitzpatrick gets even with him. The scenery Production Value was awesome and just added to the movie's ability so pull you in even with all the violence, etc. that are in movies today. I am so looking forward to Jim's next movie knowing how great he looks these days. I know that Enterprise just ended it's run, so I'd really like to know where else I can watch this hunk-a-man, can be seen next. You go Seal!


One of the most memorable films ever made. No wonder they made 2 sequels - this is fantastic stuff! I watched this whilst at Drama School and took a lot of tips from the actors on how to act in action films. We now hold six monthly screenings of US Seals just to keep us on the right track.I've noticed its out on a bare bones DVD, can the director please bring out a special edition DVD with a commentary by himself and the cast, and just prove to the world how small budget action flicks rock!I rate this 9/10 - a totally funky flick!Now to watch the sequels - see if they live up to this!
