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Hard Boiled Sweets

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Hard Boiled Sweets (2012)

March. 09,2012
| Crime
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Ex-con Johnny is forced into pulling a heist he wants nothing to do with. Mob boss ‘Shrewd’ Eddie has one million is dirty cash stashed at his home, just waiting to be stolen. But what Johnny doesn’t know is that seven other very dangerous criminals also have plans to steal the money...


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Overrated and overhyped


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


In this lame-titled movie we are introduced for 30 minutes to the characters who are assigned some type of candy based on their personalities. There's the convict who's just released from jail. He doesn't walk more than a few steps outside when he's picked up by a corrupt cop who blackmails him into doing a job. The cop is pressured by the wife to have a child but they are unable and getting medical treatment for it.The cop and ex-con go to a beach town and scout. The town is owned by some mobster who gets a take from everything that happens there. Every so often he has a briefcase with 250000 with him. There's the area's pimp and his newest employee, a young innocent girl. At home, the mobster has a gorgeous young wife, a former prostitute given to him by the pimp. She wishes nothing more for the old man to die. And she's involved with the mobster's driver. Then there's the boss. He's on his way to the pick up his part of the money from the mobster. He's being chauffeured around by a black kid, whom he teases and mocks and makes believe that his boss is sleeping with his girl.The cop wants the ex-con to get close to the mobster to steal the briefcase with the money. Around the same time, the mobster's wife wants his driver to help her steal the briefcase when the boss comes, once the total sum of money is there, way more than 250k. The pimp also want the young girl to get close to the boss and steal the case.When most of these people go back to the mobster's house after partying, the story unravels and we'll find out who gets to keep the money and who doesn't make it.Hard Boiled Sweets is an enjoyable movie. The whole candy business is a waste of time though and adds nothing to the story. All the characters are unsavory and nasty and some of the dialogue is unnecessarily crude and for all the nastiness there isn't even any nudity. The way the resolution develops is quite surprising though. And while the ending isn't in the least satisfactory but somewhat predictable it still didn't ruin the movie for me. It is a different and interesting movie to watch.


Was this a tax write off?Who green lighted and financed such a horrible film?PLEASE let me script and write a UK gangster flick,I promise it will be 10,000 times better than this awful pile of steaming dog poop.Whose idea was it to use those stupid signed candy nic-names for the characters every 10 minutes? The director's girlfriend? DUMB!What a mess….poor script,weak acting,cliché after cliché,pathetic HACKNEYED gangster trope after cliché after played out trope. The only bright spot of this abysmal mess is the cinematography. Other than that you might be more enthralled and entertained if YOU stuck you head in the toilet,as this is indeed a class "A" toilet clogging straight to DVD/dumper of a film.Honestly I couldn't finish it because I could care less about anyone or anything in this film,and that is being kind. AVOID!


What Can I say.....? Great dialogue. Great Gals. Great pacing. Just.... Great all round.Nice mix of low rent "Sin City" set down south at the Kiss Me Quick seaside town of South End.Lot's going on to keep you amused and dialogue that is up there with Crime Noir writers like Leonard and Ellroy - it would give Tarantino a run for his money. Let me tell you that, My Son....Check it out if you liked Lock Stock. Same pacing and humour.Not sure why it is below most people's radar on IMDb. But I loved it.


A boring, derivative, badly directed and amateurishly written film. The only other review on IMDb is written by a crew member's relative, and the quote on the poster was paid for - see the readers talk back section on Ain't-it-cool (www.aintitcool.com/node/53709). The real reviews have called it "the worst film of the year", which is much closer to the truth. The characters are clichéd, the plot badly-structured, it has no humour, no suspense, it's glib and cynical. The only thing to take away from this waste of time is that it's an exercise in dishonest film marketing - I guess that's to be expected, as the "director" is a trailer editor. He should stick to doing just that and let the grown-ups make films.
