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Sonic Impact

Sonic Impact (2000)

November. 14,2000
| Action

A dangerous criminal hijacks a plane with his fellow prisoners and threatens to crash it into a populated area. The agent who captured him sets out to stop him.


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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.


Better Late Then Never


An Exercise In Nonsense


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


all things considered this movie is pretty unremarkable.it has too many slow spots with nothing happening.then when there is some action,the scenes are way too long and protracted.it's your typical "nut job takes control of an airplane and the good guys try to regain control" movie.i also found it even less realistic than most movies of the genre.the dialogue was pretty lame too.the characters are your run of the mill characters for these types of movies.the acting wasn't great,either,though i did like Ice-T,who plays a federal agent in the movie.the runtime is about 94 minutes with end credits,but it sure felt a lot longer.the bottom line for me,this movie added nothing new to the genre and was certainly not as good as any of the other movies of the genre.if i were you,i would check out "Turbulence" Passenger 57",Executive "Decision" and "Con Air",which are all better examples of the genre.for me,Sonic Impact is a 4/10


This Movie was excellent great story great actors and great endingIve seen Turbulence and Passenger 57 and none of them compare to this movie Agent Nick Halton (James Russo) a former navy seal Has been tracking the Phychotic Killer Jeremy Barrett (Michael Harris) for 3 years he finnally catches him and Barrett is then transported and handed over to the FBI But when Barrett gets on the plane he Hijacks it and is threatning to crash the plane into a populated area its up to Nick to finish Jeremy barrett once and for all Ice T did a good job with his role even though it was not even a 45 minute roll Brittany Daniel also did a good job with her roll this movie also has some comedy in it that really made me laugh especially Michael Harris's character this is definetly a movie to see

Movie Nuttball

Minor SpoilersThis is a ok air plane flick with Ice-T,James Russo,and J. Kenneth Campbell.Speaking of Campbell he plays the same role in this film as he did in Turbulance and yes he gets killed in Sonic Impact as well!He is in My opinion a little like Thomas Rosales Jr.There is another note here about Sonic Impact.Don't quote Me on this but I believe Sonic Impact and and another plane film called Submerged has the same score!Yes the same music in both different films!Anyway the movie is entertaining and is a good one to watch!


Remember that immortal sequel AIRPORT 1975? No, well the plot concerned a 747 that experiences a mid-air collision and the flight crew is killed.Now, we have a dangerous(?) terrorist being transported on board a 747 when the usual mayhem ensues...plane suffers engine difficulties, terrorist and other prisoners escape, seize plan, kill pilot and cause structure damage to the cockpit, etc.Anyway, an intrepid FBI agent who is also an ex-Navy SeAL, volunteers to board the plane in mid-air, take out the terrorist and his buddies and save the 747 and its passengers.My suggestion, rent AIRPORT 75 and PASSENGER 57 and alternate every 15 minutes or so between the 2 movies and you'll get the idea behind this one!
