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The Screwfly Solution

The Screwfly Solution (2006)

December. 08,2006
| Horror TV Movie

A strange virus renders the entire human male population into homicidal maniacs who end up wiping out all females, leaving a woman and her daughter to fend for themselves.


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i must have seen a different film!!


Good story, Not enough for a whole film


A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.


This is a script that really could happen but to say it was a real horror story that goes a bit too far for me. The story itself and the acting was okay but for an entry into Masters Of Horror it lacked on horror. This episode opens with telling about an experiment were a disease was ended by turning flies into non active breeders. By doing so the disease was ended. Further into the story we move towards humanity were the females have to be killed to stop breeding. The males are out for a kill but one girl do survive dressed as a guy and it's up to her to survive. In that particular part we do have more of suspense then horror and towards the end it turns into some science-fiction story looking more like an episode for The X-Files in stead of Masters Of Horrors. But why it is shown here comes due the sometimes graphic violence toward women. But for me it just didn't work. Some will have problems with the fact about killing women and entering some messages about belief in a God and so on but the ending...what a turn-off.Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5

Matt Inglish

This is perhaps the best medium budget horror I've seen. Every part is excellent with no part letting down the whole. The writing is good bordering on great, it's got solid science behind it and that makes it scary. In the original short story, which I read some years back, the scientist was the main point of view character whereas in this case it's his wife but that arrangement is actually more suited to the audiovisual medium where it's harder to represent the internal dialogue that made the written version so effective. It also allows the story to be expanded in ways that would have been impractical in the written version.The pacing and direction are good and.. who is this Kerry Norton woman and why haven't we seen her before? She's awesome, both as a dramatic actress as well as being just freakin' *hot*; absolutely perfect for the role and she puts in a standout performance here throughout.And while we're on the subject of performances, this just in, Jason Priestly _can_act_.. I know. I could hardly believe it either but he puts on a really good show here. Admitedly they kept things fairly straightforward for him but nonetheless he carried it off well and brought out some surprising dramatic emotion when it counted.So overall, a well produced, well acted flawless envisioning of a great and quite frightening short story. I recommend it highly.


and i think it's better by a longshot than the majority of other masters of horror episodes, but i really think the 'alien species is slowly eradicating the population of earth' was a fairly anticlimactic ending and i wish it had been left out. everything i had seen up to that point was scary and effective for me, not to mention deeply disturbing. i would have been more than happy to have been left in the dark as to why or how it all started. learning the cause of the violence wasn't necessary for my enjoyment.i know the aliens are present in the original short story, but i didn't think they worked well in the context of a one-hour episode.elliott gould was great and jason priestly (shockingly) both did admirably well in their roles.flawed, but worth your while anyhow.


Yah, I thought "Gender social-political statement cleverly disguised as action horror scifi" about covered it, to put in succinctly.I am disgusted by the many superficial comments about how this is Joe Dante's work, or that its a ripoff of "28 Days Later" ???? I mean, BUNCH OF MORONS! This is an accurate adaptation of a James Tiptree Jr. story which was written before the "28 Days Later" maker was even born! Literally. Dante should get kudos for almost exactly following the story. James Tiptree Jr. later revealed that she was actually Alice Sheldon, a 63 year old college psychology professor, who would later commit a murder-suicide with her husband 13 years her senior, at age 71.The story is in line with James Tiptree Jr.'s gender themed work. What's the easiest, cheapest way to take over Earth but still get rid of those pesky humans? You disturb the reproductive cycle, of course, just as humans have done with insects, so the humans get rid of themselves. And not via war, like the west v the Muslims or Americans v Russians/Chinese or even cowboys v Indians, but simply via Man vs Woman. That the Man is chosen to be the instrument of death rather than woman, is only seemingly connected to Tiptrees AKA Sheldons political beliefs but is heavily based in actual scientific fact (and simple common sense): men are far more easily led towards violence than women ....The Melancholic Alcoholic.
