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Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom

Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom (1999)

March. 21,1999
| Horror Action

Karl Jr. continues his killing spree on a remote island with the help of his father and their army of metal masked mercenaries known as the Infantry of Doom. A band of castaways are turned loose in the wilderness and hunted down, where they must fight to survive. They have moon's phase time to make across the island safely.


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A Masterpiece!


This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


Violent $hit III: Infantry of Doom (1999)* (out of 4)Three men wind up on a mysterious island where they are taken hostage by a gang of weirdos who worship Karl the Butcher (Andreas Schnaas).VIOLENT $HIT III isn't nearly as entertaining as the second film in the series and for the most part it was a pretty big disappointment. Like IT'S ALIVE III, this film has pretty much the same concept as the first two with the only big change is that the location is now an island. Sadly the film just doesn't have enough interesting moments to keep you entertain and I must say that the majority of the time I didn't know what was going on.There's an ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU thing going on as there are some nods to previous film versions. The biggest problem is that there's really not as much violence and gore compared to the previous films and I'd argue that whatever is going on with the story is just boring and the 78-minute running time feels at least four times longer. There's certainly some gore to be found but I didn't think it was nearly as fun or entertaining as the first two films.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Violent Sh*t III: Infantry of Doom" (yes I have to censor this title, so that IMDb will accept my review) is a German movie from 1999, so this one will have its 20th anniversary two years from now. The title already tells us that this is the third of so far four films from the "Violent Shît" movie series written by, directed by and starring Andreas Schnaas. This time the gang is at a (not so) deserted island where a bloodlusty cult keeps killing everything they meet, so when a trio of strangers enter the island, they are obviously in for a lot of trouble. The island inhabitants (a strange cult led by Schnaas' character) allows them to flee for a day, but then the relentless chase begins. Who will prevail in the end? Does it even matter? I'd say no as I cannot say I enjoyed these 75 minutes (without credits) at all. Then again, this is probably not too surprising as I found the previous two films were pretty crappy too. Amateur filmmaking really means amateurish in Schnaas' case from what I have seen so far and I don't think the 4th and so far final film will be more to my liking, even if Schnaas was not the only guy in charge there and many years passed after this third movie. Eventually, this one here is about nothing other than the gore, exploding heads in particular, which are a recurring depiction in here. Story really sucks and (voice) acting is just as bad. The only positive thing I can say here is that sometimes the film was so trashy that it had moments of guilty pleasure potential. But these were not enough (not even close) to make up for all the garbage moments in here to be honest. I wish I could say I enjoyed this movie only for 1% of the way the actors here enjoyed it as it seems pretty obvious they did. It's crap from start to finish. Highly not recommended.


This is probably the best of the VS trilogy, it has lots of gore and it's mixed with Hellriser-style of killings, martial arts, zombies and action, it's a non-stop gore fest.The Plot involves in a group of people who ends in a mysterious island, our heroes get captured, they bring them at a camp, we discover that Karl JR and his father made their own army. After some tortures, Jr decides to play a manhunt with the survivors and a ex-soldier of the Buthcer's army.... LET THE BLOODBATH BEGIN !!!!You can't complain that this movie is "boring". Many people hate this film because "DIS MOVIE SUCK BECAUSE DA EFFECTS LOOKS SUPER FAKE", oh really ? what the hell you was expecting ? Anyway VS 3 proves that you don't need a BIG budget for do a entertaining and gory movie. Long life to the German ultra gore !


I cannot believe how bad this piece of garbage is! I want my $3.99 back! Words defy description of this poorly made piece of crap! The dubbing in no way shape or form aligns with the actor's mouths. The movie looks like it was filmed with a 1970's vintage camcorder. I have shot better movies with my cell phone camera. The gore is laughable due to the silly unbelievable plot. The acting is what one would expect if you called all your friends over on a Saturday afternoon and proceeded to get completely ripped, then tried to put on a play in your garage. Don't get me wrong...I wasn't expecting O'Neil and I love Zombie movies, but the production values are so low in this film as to make it unwatchable. Avoid!
