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Dark Nature

Dark Nature (2010)

June. 25,2010
| Drama Horror Thriller

A family holiday turns into a fight for survival in the inhospitable wilderness of remote Scotland.


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Simply A Masterpiece


Crappy film




Absolutely Fantastic


DARK NATURE is misadvertised as a slick, sick horror film but in reality it's a talky drama in which very little happens. As such it's something of a tedious watch, lacking in both interest and intent, a film which makes good use of the wild Scottish locations but does absolutely nothing else. The unfolding of the plot is slow and long-winded and the characters are very uninteresting with the actors struggling to give them life. There's really not much reason to watch when there are so few elements of interest in the entire film.


I love horror movies and I don't mind a good thriller but this is neither. I realised halfway through that I was watching a virtual remake of an equally pointless Italian flick I'd already seen. I was hoping I was wrong but I wasn't, this is every bit as witless and shares the same pathetic ending.Rip up the first 40 minutes of this film and throw it away, it has no bearing on the rest of the movie. There's some killings rendered dull by the flat pace and boring killer. There's some victims but they are completely dull and lifeless too.To cap it off there's a message about the world cleansing itself or something and pure crap that is too. It doesn't even make sense within the confines of the dreamlike situation it tries to create. This is a pitiful boring movie and anyone rating it over two stars is most definitely in it, directed it or just has no taste in movies. Don't waste your time, it's beyond terrible.


Saw Dark Nature in a busy Glasgow cinema too and enjoyed it. It has a good balance of Hitchcockian suspense and psychotronic-style death scenes i.e. close-ups of axes in heads; humorous expressions of shock on actors' faces. Some nods to Herschell Gordon Lewis in there too maybe. Yes, you can tell it was made on a small budget and the acting at times was a little bit suspect but the location is stunning and adds a lot to the atmosphere of the movie, which is the point I guess considering its title. Some nice music included in it too. As mentioned in one of the other posts, the use of the bear trap could possibly be the finest in cinema history.


Hi there, saw this at cine world on Friday, it was packed, which is something special for 'local produce' above the blockbusters!! Loved the genre nods and homages to argento and co. Creepy and funny and looked stunning. Story was a bit thin but that comes with the territory and a few bits of 'hammy' acting were well overshadowed by the brilliant Mackenzie guy and Imogen Toner who the daughter, pair of them well scary! Great scenery too and locations but don't know if the film's content will help the tourist industry at all! Punches well above it's meagre budget in my book in all departments! Definitely worth checking out for genre fans and those further afield! Good effort!
