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Backyard Wedding

Backyard Wedding (2010)

July. 13,2010
| Comedy Romance TV Movie

Kim Tyler grew up loving her next-door neighbor, Evan Slauson. Now she's all set to have the wedding of her dreams to stable Jeffrey in her parents' backyard, but her ex-husband, and first love—whose parents still live next door—keeps popping up causing her to seriously question her big plans.


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This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.


Such a frustrating disappointment


not horrible nor great


Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


This movie is predictable, sloppy, and somewhat stupid but if you can relate, in any way, you will like the concept. I feel very conflicted, liked some parts and didn't like others. Basic plot: childhood sweethearts get married too early so they divorce. Girl gets engaged to another guy and right before the wedding the first guy realize he was an idiot. Girl then gets all stuck in her feelings...( I mean who hasn't done that right?)So here's what I liked: Not your usual Hallmark movie! Did not have that hallmark feel, (that strict beginning, middle, end formula) probably a bad thing but I kinda liked it. Somewhat refreshing. I loved the fact that they're childhood sweethearts. No denying that chemistry. The main actors chosen did OK, there was a few misses at times but I think overall they captured the correct emotion. I felt the pain and hurt and confusion both Evan and Kim had. (Even if they didn't really do a good job showing it, I imagined the rest since I could relate). I really just liked the general concept. I liked what they tried to do.What I didn't like (I would rate this a 2 on a technical standpoint): 1) NO character development.- not for the main characters and definitely not for the secondary cast. Took forever to find out why Kim/Evan divorced, Never found out what job Jeffery had that he was willing to risk everything for, had no idea who half the people in the scene was (no/late character introduction) I found myself always asking, "who is this??" 2) No story development. Yes I liked the general idea but the story definitely needed more work. The writers had us believing the crazy blond bridesmaid was the antagonist, when the story actually had none. Tons of inconsistencies. Why did it take Evan 4 years to realize he wanted to be with Kim? Even he couldn't answer that. How have he changed after 4 years? "He just grew up??" Not buying it. Why did the dads hate each other? One minute Kim is hiding from Evan and literally the next scene they're shopping together?? The writers definitely get an F and the director gets a C-. No character or story development, plot holes, random shots of irrelevant characters, god awful writing, weak intro and concluding voice overs. The writers was this film biggest issue. As I said before, I just liked the general concept simply bc I went through something similar and happy their story turned out better than mine. Truth be told this film should've never left pre production. If I couldn't relate I would rate this movie a 4.


The movie starts out and doesn't even tell you how Kim's first marriage broke up. So while her and the new fiancé are having problems your screaming "just dump him and go back to Evan." Of course your not completely sure because maybe thats exactly what Evan, the ex, was doing to her to. Trust me if i was in her position there would be no way i would plan the wedding completely by myself and then just let my fiancé show up whenever it was convenient for him. When Jeff first started telling me that he wasn't going to be there for a couple days because his job was more important i would have been mad, probably understood the staying behind, but the going to a different state 5 days before the wedding i would have been mad, on the brink of finding someone else to stand with me at the alter. Apparently he didn't mention to his boss to have someone cover for him because he was getting married and if he couldn't' even tell him boss that then whats going to happen when the first baby comes, or the second, or the third.... All in all the movie went the way we knew it was going to go. Very happy to finally see the love birds from sixth grade together but it would have been a better ending if they would have fast forwarded like five years to them in some third world country, her helping as a doctor and him helping with the water.


Watched this movie thinking it might not be as bad as the reviews I had read, turned out it was much worse ! Most of the actors did a poor job especially the actor who played the father of the bride. The performance of the actress (Alicia Witt)who played the bride was awful, not for one minute did I believe that she was in love and excited about marrying her man ! There was no chemistry between the two of them. I was also bothered by the music which I thought was overpowering. I did watch it to the end and still don't know why but honestly I was glad when it was over. A big waste of time in my opinion. Normally I like a lot of the Hallmark movies but this was a big let down.


I only watched this because it is the run up to the William and Kate's Royal Wedding; and our TV's are being bombarded with romantic wedding films. The majority have been average to good. This one sunk to the lowest of lows. I agree with the previous reviewer, it is so dragged out, it appears the actors have forgotten the script and are gap filling. The brides father is the worst actor EVER and the remaining cast aren't much better, including Alicia Witt. The director must have been going through a really bad time in their life and gave a halfhearted effort. I wouldn't watch this again, even if paid large amounts of money. I don't think anyone should be married to anyone in this film, in fact they shouldn't even be acting together !
