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How to Irritate People

How to Irritate People (1969)

January. 21,1969
| Comedy

A pre-Monty Python mockumentary, written by and presented by John Cleese, that provides tips on learning how to irritate people.


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Pretty Good


everything you have heard about this movie is true.

Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.


A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


I can't believe what I see.A rating of 5/10 on IMDb...is this because it is an American site or..?..this is probably one of the most hilarious films ever made and if there are people that fail to see that,I seriously question these people..I'll admit the set-up of the movie can seem quite odd,or the fact that it actually isn't a movie but more a collection of sketches,but that doesn't change one bit to th fact that this movie is a pearl amongst swines..I know that some sketches may be a bit long-threaded..but in my opinion the other sketches make up for this flaw..who can keep a straight face while watching the quiz sketch.."What do horses eat?Meat.No.Other horses?..No,what do horses eat?Lobsters."..or the airplane sketch"Ladies and gentlemen,there is no reason to be alarmed". I just want to point out that despite the fact some of the sketches don't match up to the certain standard we possibly created for Monty python material,this movie is certainly worth seeing and deserves more than a 5 on 10.


Maybe this will be funny if you've been in a coma since Johnson was in the White House. The skits drag on and on and on ad nauseam with little or no punch line. If you're into historical references, then watching this will give you an idea of what some of the Python troop were like before they were funny. If you're really into Python, and the casts' individual projects, treat this as if you are watching a learning exercise that helped them learn from their mistakes. This will however leave you wondering if some of the cast members haven't make pacts with the devil, they don't seem to have aged all that much since this dog was made.


Python's genius was in identifying and breaking the norms of TV, just as the Beatles broke those of music and Godard, film. But this pre-Python program follows the conventions. Rather than sketches being interrupted by the army, they build up to a conventional punchline. Sketches are self-contained; characters from one sketch do not appear in another threatening each other to stop using their lines. Credits flash on the screen as they would anywhere else. Very conventional comedy from some comedians who would soon help break the conventions, but haven't yet.If this had been included as an extra on a Python DVD, it would have been a great one. But since you have to buy it as its own title, it doesn't fare as well.


This is really the Python's First Film, although it's missing a few of the real Pythonites (namely, the cartoon guy.) Many of the sketches in this are reminiscent to sketches from the TV series, including my favorite, which I call the dead car sketch: a man comes into an auto repair shop, insisting that his car has trouble. The proprietor insists that there's "never no trouble with those." The car's owner goes on to prove that the car has trouble, but the shop's owner just wants to go to lunch. Sound familiar? It reminded me of the famous "Dead Parrot" sketch. My other favorite from this show was the "Airline Pilots" sketch, about what really goes on in the cockpit during a flight. ("The wings are not on fire.") and ("The skrill must be released!") A must-view for any Monty Python fan or budding irritator. Believe it or not, I came away with some knowledge on how to deal with bullies. First, react in certain organized ways... (OOOH! Ahh. Well, I never! >smack smack smack<)
