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Dark Signal

Dark Signal (2016)

May. 30,2016
| Horror Thriller Mystery

The spirit of a murdered girl returns with a message. Now a stranded woman must team up with the staff of a local station to solve the mystery of her death.


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Perry Kate

Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Thanks for the memories!


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


This movie had so much potential, but the lead actress and cheesy fight scenes killed it for me

Andariel Halo

They were probably going for a straight horror flick here, but it failed in so many places so magnificently it was actually funny and amusing to watch. Not quite the type of spectacular failure of something like "The Room", but there were moments I was bursting out laughing.the very first jump scare moment with the lighter in the car was so poorly executed I not only burst out laughing, but I didn't even jump or get in any way shocked by it. The acting by certain people was, being generous, questionable, with certain dramatic moments coming off as goofy or otherwise unbelievable.The film starts off already unclearly, with two separate events unfolding at once with no clear connection until several minutes in, and no clear explanation as to what one of the stories even is until later on. The disparity in accents also makes it unclear exactly where this is taking place until about 20-30 minutes in. Ultimately this doesn't end up making much a difference in the story but it adds to the overall disorientation that the first 15 minutes of this movie suffers, to the degree that I had started and stopped and kept re-watching the movie several times because I couldn't fully get into it.Once it finally does delve into its central plot, it becomes largely a waiting game as to when the "Ghost Story" aspect starts paying off. A radio DJ is broadcasting her last show ever, when a ghost suddenly makes contact with them via EVP while recording a segment with a psychic. After that, they're somehow able to communicate in real time with the ghost with absolutely no explanation as to how.The ghost appears to be narrating the events unfolding with the second protagonist, a woman named Kate who is waiting for her boyfriend Nick to finish robbing a farmhouse to pay off her debts and start a new life with her disabled son Marek. She gets a call from Nick where he's attacked and she sneaks into the farmhouse, getting ambushed by the house owner who had confronted her earlier in her car about trespassing. He apparently thinks she killed his daughter, only for the real killer to kill him and then threaten to kill Kate, saying he'll kill her son in front of her before killing her. She says he better kill her now because she'll be the one to kill him.From there, a surprising amount of nothing happens, until the killer heads to the radio station and we get a big reveal as to his identity, which finally connects us with the seemingly unrelated cold open of the "Wedlock Killer" as it's revealed Ben, the radio operator guy, was the killer, and the events unfolding in the radio station happened the previous day, and he had to kill the radio DJ because she found his inexplicable container full of unpreserved severed fingers.From there we respawn in the daytime somewhere where we get a hilariously awesome fight sequence between Ben and Kate, one involving actual choreography and an action movie type vibe, complete with the ghost appearing to help Kate, and Kate delivering a one-liner before killing Ben. What ever they were trying to go for here either failed miserably or succeeded miserably, and while that doesn't make this anything resembling a good movie, it definitely made itself very memorable

Michael Ledo

The film starts out as a disjointed drama with some irritating whispers in the beginning. We are introduced to a rash of characters with Laurie Wolf (Siwan Morris) being the only one with decent lines and character. About an hour into the film, it decides to become a disjointed horror movie, but now with real clues. A radio station is attempting to decipher the ghost in the machine while a couple gets surprised robbing a home. The girl in the robbery is on-line friends with the engineer at the radio station. The film includes a wicked twist which didn't seem possible.A film you might get some pleasure out of, but will shortly forget.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.


A spirit contacts a radio station as people start to get killed. I'm not a fan of supernatural horror and for the first half of the film I cursed myself for putting it on. However after a decidedly lacklustre first half the film suddenly springs into life and actually becomes pretty decent. It is fairly low budget and the acting isn't great apart from a good turn by Joanna Ignaczewska.After the dull start there are some pretty creepy scenes and the film cleverly keeps you guessing as to what will happen next. There is a fair of gore here too but not overly excessive. The ending was well done and took me a bit by surprise. For a low budget horror this is a pretty good effort and well worth checking out.
