Walking the Amazon Season 1

February. 02,2011
| Documentary

Ed Stafford and Luke Collyer set out to walk the entire length of the Amazon River. Over seven thousand kilometres of the toughest terrain on the planet. Teeming with deadly wildlife and a battleground for the criminal drugs trade.


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Walking the Amazon Season 1 Full Episode Guide

Episode 2 - Brazil to the Atlantic
First Aired: February. 09,2011

Having reached the halfway point, Ed and Cho still face the prospect of at least another 12 months of trekking across dangerous terrain. Another Brit decides to join the mission, but can he keep up with the intrepid pair as they face hunger, disease and parasites in the depths of the jungle?

Episode 1 - Peru to Brazil
First Aired: February. 02,2011

Ed Stafford attempts to walk the navigation of the Amazon river. Ed faces the prospect of completing the mission solo when both his companion and his guide threaten to quit the expedition. As the journey progresses, Ed encounters wary villagers, murderous drug traffickers and deadly wildlife.
