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Miss Christina

Miss Christina (2013)

November. 01,2013
| Fantasy Drama Horror Thriller

The film is an adaptation of the well known short story "Miss Christina" by Mircea Eliade. Moscu arrived at the mansion with his girlfriend, Sanda, the young artist Egor Paşchievici notes that her entire family worships Miss Christina, her aunt murdered in unclear circumstances when she was just 20 years old, during the riots of 1907. Egor is inexplicably drawn into a portrait of Miss Christina and begins to dream. Soon, however, the boundary between dream and reality is blurred and Miss Christina, love Egor, is brought back to life through occult rituals even by her family. When realized, however, that life is in danger Egor Sanda decides to fight the ghost.


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It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.

Aiden Melton

The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.


It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny


First off, let's start by saying that this is not a horror movie, but I would consider it more like a slower-paced psychological thriller with a creepy atmosphere, sort of a Gothic work of art reminding me of Edgar Allan Poe. Don't expect any jump-up scares, because you won't get any (or maybe just a light one).The strong point of the movie is that it is successful in recreating a veridic creepy, morbid atmosphere with a very slight horror touch. The setting and the effects are cleverly used to induce such a state. It is all the more worth our appreciation since I believe it is the first Romanian movie in history not only to try, but also to achieve this. Another positive aspect is the interesting and I daresay gripping story.However, its one true downside is the acting of the actor interpreting the main character, Tudor Istodor. In almost every scene he appears stiff and behaves totally unnaturally. Ioana Anton playing Sanda doesn't cause as much damage as Istodor (although her acting is far from good), while Maia Morgenstern's performance, though decent, can't compensate for the shortcomings of the previous two. This results in a very unconvincing overall act, frustrating the movie of its real potential. Nonetheless, there is one actor who shines, and that is little Ioana Sandu playing Simina. Her natural creepy performance is just great at doubling the gloomy atmosphere.All in all, despite the previously mentioned defects, the movie is well worth a try, most of all because it is the first Romanian title of this genre. If you're willing to overlook the acting flaws you can find it fairly entertaining, as I did. Not to mention that it stirred my desire to read Eliade's works.


A movie that will probably change the paradigm of the 2000s in film Romanian. After almost 15 years of minimalism / hyper realism propaganda in Romanian films, "Miss Christina" is the first Romanian Movie that really bring specific of film language (synthesis of cinematography, music, production design, costumes, makeup, sound) in a Romanian film. Look for torrents and pirate bay but it's best to see "Domnisoara Cristina" at the cinema - you will not regret it!A possible point of criticism is the main actor's interpretation (Tudor Istodor as Egor) but nonetheless the film is left standing. Production is another strong point of the film as the movie does not suffer of eternal "low budget" label applies to most of the Romanian films. The crew can be proud to have participated in this production and proved that it can, though.


This movie was great. I have seen the premiere today in Cluj. The story is based on a novella written by a famous Romanian author Mircea Eliade. The movie is excellent and can offer a small part of Romanian culture and history. I would really like to see this movie again. Trust me, is WORTH IT. It also has some scary scenes, but not enough to be considered as a horror movie. This is a love story between a human and a ghost of a gorgeous woman who have died of uncertain reasons. The intensity of the emotions I have felt watching the movie was so high that I have fallen in love with the feminine character (the ghost). At the end of the movie, we had the surprise to see the director itself and a few actors live. We asked question about the movie and they have replied to us. I never felt so good in a cinemaIt was such an honor to see them live. And I think it is the best Romanian movie in the world, and it deserves our respect, admiration and a lot of prizes at the International Film Festival in Cannes.At the end, I encourage you again to see this movie and, of course, enjoy it.All the best,Banyai Botond Peter Cluj-Napoca

Valentij Toma

The film is an adaptation of the well known short story "Miss Christina" by Mircea Eliade. Moscu arrived at the mansion with his girlfriend, Sanda, the young artist Egor Paşchievici notes that her entire family worships Miss Christina, her aunt murdered in unclear circumstances when she was just 20 years old, during the riots of 1907. Egor is inexplicably drawn into a portrait of Miss Christina and begins to dream. Soon, however, the boundary between dream and reality is blurred and Miss Christina, love Egor, is brought back to life through occult rituals even by her family. When realized, however, that life is in danger Egor Sanda decides to fight the ghost.
