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The Husband She Met Online

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The Husband She Met Online (2013)

October. 26,2013
| Drama Thriller Mystery
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When hotel event planner Rachel breaks up with her boyfriend John for cheating on her, she decides to go looking online for a new boyfriend. In the expanse of cyberspace, she meets a charming, wealthy man named Craig, who at first, seems perfect. He’s attractive, fun, romantic, and he’s been successfully running his mother’s global real estate company while his mother, Doris travels the world. But Craig is far from perfect. He's obsessive and controlling, and once he sets his sights on Rachel, he has no plans of ever letting go...


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It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.

Michelle Ridley

The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity


I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.


***SPOILERS*** Looking for love in the wrong places pretty smart and a bit naive hotel event planner Rachel Maleman-not Mailman-played by Meredith-not Marilyn-Monroe falls for someone she got in touch with on an internet dating site the lovable at first-by creepy later-Craig Miller, Jason Gary Stanford. Craig is looking for a woman to be his wife that would satisfy his very demanding momma Tasha Miller,Cinthia Burke, who only wants the best for her boy who manages her far flung real-estate empire.At first everything is groovy between the two love birds until Rachel's ex-boyfriend John Anderson,Brett Watson, comes on the scene asking her to get together with him. Eeven though Rachael only treats John like a friend not lover that sets Craig off to the point of jumping the gun in that he gets his weak willed and momma's boy brother Ryan, Damon Runyan, to do the guy in hit-man style before Rachael can tell him that it's all over between the two. It's in fact tough private detective Jerry Berman, Bill Lake, who's been tracking this dangerous nut-case for over two years in a missing person or murder case of Craig's former girlfriend in Philadelphia who cracks the case wide open. And that causes Craig to flip out and, to the shock of everyone watching, expose himself.****SPOILERS**** With the truth out about him Craig instead of checking out to South America and getting lost, before the police arrest him, plans to force Rachael, who's now completely under his control, to marry him before he ends up behind bars or, if resisting arrest, worse! The ending at the airport has to be seen to be believed with Craig having a gun to his bride Rachael's head with the police as well as PI Berman trying to stop him from both killing her and checking out of town or the country. As things turned out the only place that Craig ended up checking into was the county morgue!

Geeky Randy

After breaking up with cheating boyfriend and co-worker Watson, Philadelphian hotel event planner Monroe tries online dating and meets charming businessman Gray-Stanford, who seems perfect at first but soon shows signs of being an obsessive and controlling maniac capable of murder. Surprisingly decent for a Lifetime Movie, with Monroe's few foolish missteps never causing the viewer to roll their eyes, and Gray-Stanford actually delivering some legit chills for even the most seasoned thriller-buffs. Runyan and Lake play some very interesting supporting characters, a rarity in this type of mystery, but unfortunately the movie's rushed ending don't do their roles justice.**½ (out of four)


Before the opening credits end, an ominous and unexplained grave is dug for an unknown victim. Next, we meet sharply-figured hotel "event coordinator" Meredith Monroe (as Rachel Malemen). Although she is busy, Ms. Monroe finally hooks up with "The Husband She Met Online" as predicted in the title. He turns out to be wealthy and charming, but very sneaky Jason Gray-Stanford (as Craig Miller). Too bad hard-working Monroe has no time to watch "Lifetime" TV Movies, or she world recognize Mr. Gray-Stanford's type immediately. He turns out to be very "controlling." Also involved is Gray-Stanford's mysterious brother Damon Runyan (as Ryan Miller) and their real estate tycoon mom Mimi Kuzyk (as Doris Miller). This TV Movie is no bore, but both the lead character and viewer are way too hip for the script.**** The Husband She Met Online (10/26/13) Curtis Crawford ~ Meredith Monroe, Jason Gray-Stanford, Damon Runyan, Mimi Kuzyk


Highly predictable film where a woman meets a man online and immediately consents to marry him. The radical change in his behavior comes out as she is literally kidnapped, terrorized and forced into a marriage with him.It was not clear what the two brothers had in store for their very wealthy, but domineering mother in this film.Of course, there has been past problems with this guy, including a private investigator hired to find out where his missing daughter is. Seems that the victim was dating our wealthy guy.There is always the friend who is sympathetic and yet knows that something is going on. Ditto for the guy's family-his sister- in-law is suspicious of her husband's behavior and rightfully so.
