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Because You're Mine

Because You're Mine (1952)

October. 01,1952
| Comedy Music

A famous opera singer falls for his sergeant's sister at boot camp.


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Fresh and Exciting


Absolutely the worst movie.


It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.


The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.


***SPOILERS**** Dubbed as the voice of the 20th Century by legendary Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini Mario Lanza doesn't let his many as well as future, as soon as they hear him, fans and admirers down. That in the movie "Bcause your Mine" Mario Lanza belting out with his great and booming tenor voice, like a .155 howitzer, song after song as the just drafted into the US Army Renaldo Rossano a man with a voice as big as well as load as all outdoors.Trying to fit in with his fellow G.I's Renaldo's fame and voice proceeds him as his company sergeant the tough as nails Sgt. Bat Batterson, James Whitmore, just goes gaga over him as soon as he inspects him in the barracks. Being an armature tenor himself Sgt. Batterson knows talent when he sees or in the case of Renaldo hears it. There's also Sgt. Batterson's kid sister Bridget, Doretta Morrow, who does TV & radio toothpaste chemicals who also falls under the charm and spell of the great Renaldo Rossano.It's later when Renaldo's singing partner the beautiful but extremely jealous, in Bridget getting close with her duet partner Renaldo Rossano, soprano Francesca Landers played Rita Corday plants false ideas into Bridget's mind in her lover Renaldo being a 1st class heel and womanizer! That leads the heart-broken Bridget to walks out on the confused and hurt, he's really in love with her, Renaldo. It's Renaldo who now feels that he's been somehow suckered punched in all this by some unknown and unseen force working behind the scenes. This soon leads to Bridget's big brother Sgt. Batterson sticking it to Renaldo by assigning him to all the dirty jobs on base like pealing potato's and taking out the garbage in order to make him pay for breaking his sister's heart. It's soon that a fistfight between the two breaks out that lands them both in the brig after Bridget tried to get her brother to kiss and make up with a stubborn as a mule Renaldo.In the end everything turns out all right for everyone involved with Renaldo who refused to sing anymore coming to the rescue in getting on stage and singing his heart out, no big deal for him, in front of the entire UN & NATO general staff and knocking em' dead in the process. Bridget who felt that Renaldo was a two bit gigolo now realizes what a wonderful and loving person he really is and the two lovebirds as the movie ends are back together singing as a duet the movie's team song "Because your mine" and bringing both the house or roof down doing it.


The studio's effort to cram in a piece exploiting Lanza's success in THE GREAT CARUSO before his promised fine (if unfaithful reduction of) STUDENT PRINCE, this film today is chiefly of interest for one of the too few opportunities to see the great Doretta Morrow and the last of Lanza appearing rather than merely dubbing on screen. It is well WORTH seeing, but could have been so much more.Lanza was starting the uncontrolled fluctuation of weight which ultimately resulted in Edmond Purdom playing the student prince (with Lanza's singing voice) and his resulting (continuing?) insecurity affected his treatment of all around him. Morrow had the chance to do the film because Lanza's last leading lady refused to work with him again. On the weight front - when not an actual medical problem, frequently the outlet for emotional problems - we wouldn't see the like (a film lead's weight appearing to fluctuate drastically within a scene) until 25 years later when Elizabeth Taylor filmed A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC in 1977.Just as bad, the studio hair, make-up and design departments did everything in their considerable power to hide Morrow's remarkable light under a bushel. Seek out her televised appearance opposite Alfred Drake in THE ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO (Drake and Morrow had wanted to televise their original Broadway KISMET roles, but the studio had the rights tied up for lesser talents): Morrow's was a beauty and voice considerably superior to any of Lanza's other screen leading ladies!Despite these severe handicaps the film, silly post-war plot (singing soldier falls for his sergeant's sister) and all, remains entertaining even if less than great art. It's a pity that we can only now get it in a *burned* DVD from Warner Archives (after an initial VHS release), but we'll be thankful for what we can get - even while noting the commercial doublethink. Warner Brothers doesn't think the film well sell well enough to justify a full (more permanent) *pressed* release, but heavily "copyblocks" the DVDs they do put out to try to make it harder for purchasers to share the disc if Warners' takes it out of print again.


Mario Lanza belts them out beautifully with his co-star Doretta Morrow, in the only Hollywood film she ever made. The film was 1952's "Because You're Mine" and it was a perfect vehicle for both these very talented people.James Whitmore was fabulous as Lanza's sergeant whose sister is Morrow. When romance blossoms, Whitmore can't take it and the fun really starts. There is a memorable fist fight in the film between the 2 guys and naturally, both land in the brink following this altercation.Spring Byington and Don Porter as well as others give firm support. The singing is wonderful. I loved when Morrow sang You Do Something to Me. Naturally, they're rendition of the title song is memorable.The film is a musical treat.


Lanza's character is inducted into the Army and undergoes basic training, during a season in which the summer uniform was prescribed. Normal summer "Class A" uniform for a private would have been a long-sleeved cotton khaki shirt with tie (tucked in between second and third buttons of shirt) and matching trousers, heavily starched (but no jacket or blouse). As an option, purchased at their own cost and only authorized for off-duty purposes, enlisted men could purchase an officer's summer Class A uniform, comprising shirt and tie in a tropical worsted material, topped with a jacket. Perhaps ten senior NCOs ever did this, of course. They and Lanza's character: the jacket hides a multitude of sins (and fat rolls), so Lanza's buck private is the best dressed enlisted man in the lower 48 during most of his military scenes. And he often looks as if he could play two NFL line positions simultaneously!
