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The Crawling Eye

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The Crawling Eye (1958)

July. 07,1958
| Horror Science Fiction
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An American investigator for the U.N., a German scientist and a British reporter join forces to investigate a series of disappearances and mutilation-deaths confined to a Swiss Alp and involving a thick, mobile cloud, a telepathic girl, an animate dead man, and tentacled, cyclopean beings from another planet.


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Excellent, Without a doubt!!


I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


First I have to say that seeing Forrest Tucker not only in a movie but also trying to be serious was really weird.I have never seen him in anything except F Troop and never even imagined he had ever done anything else.Anyway, this is OK for the genre if you don't over think it.If you don't think too hard you will never notice that Forrest Tucker's character is completely irrelevant until the last ten minutes when he starts giving orders to the army.They never explain anything about his character except that he is friends with a scientist.No one calls him by any title so how is he giving orders to the army?You're over thinking it.This is definitely worth watching.


In the 1950s and 1960s, if you were a British movie company, you stayed away from "genre" movies like this unless you had the resources and deep pockets of a company like Hammer Films. If you want to know why, just watch this very low budget British genre production. Being done on a shoestring, it is a really cheap-looking effort, with ample stock footage as well as flimsy sets and special effects. Actually, it's kind of hard to criticize the special effects because there simply aren't any on display for the bulk of the running time. The movie instead goes the route that one British actor labelled as "illustrated radio", with endless talk that is boring. It takes forever for the title creature to make an appearance, and while there is some unintentional amusement to see its rampage when it finally appears, the laughs are too little and too late to save the movie. Watch a Hammer movie instead if you want to see some old school British horror.


Forest Tucker meets two attractive sisters on a train to a mountain in Switzerland. Instead of going on to Geneva, one of the young women (part of a pair of professional mind- reader) feels compelled to stop at a remote town which is known for its mountain climbing. It turns out that several climbers have met their fates (including one which we witness at the beginning). So the threesome end up in a mountain chalet with people who are interested in scaling the peak. It turns out that people are being found with their heads missing and it has something to do with a cloud that sits next to the mountain. Everything gets jumbled up. It's the usual thing where people go ahead and stupidly make their way into danger, totally unprepared or ignorant of the dangers. Forest is the hero and he finds himself in the middle of all this. One of the girls is empathic and keeps getting herself in danger. Of course, we eventually see the "crawling eye." It looks like a big pastry with one eye and skinny tentacles. There is also something about the temperature on the mountain. Anyway, it eventually gets down to fighting with fire. It's not that I don't appreciate these kinds of films, but lets not get carried away with praising them, other than their sentimental attraction to drive-in movie goers of the fifties.


I was scared to death by this movie at 6 when it was 2 years old. Later I found it in a movie store marked as one of the worst science fiction movies of all time. I bought it. The movie no longer scares me but it is well written and can be watched again and again if you don't mind drinking,smoking and offering the same to others when you want to be polite. I liked the acting, writing and story which to me were not over the top and let me add I like movies but am not a huge fan of 1950s science fiction. I am not fond of classics from that era when we were fighting the cold war and the aliens represent evil. The special effects are not special but if that makes no difference to you, this is a good movie.
