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Cavalcade of Archery

Cavalcade of Archery (1946)

January. 12,1946
| History Documentary

This short tells the story of archery through the ages, mostly using Warner Brothers archive footage. Noted archer Howard Hill demonstrates his skills with various trick shots.


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How sad is this?


This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


The acting in this movie is really good.

Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.


This is the shortest featurette on the 2-Disc Special Edition DVD of Adventures of Robin Hood from 1938, not counting the cartoons and the productions not up here on the site. It is what it says it is... a lot of unbelievable yet real archery tricks, performed by the greatest expert at the time in the field, Howard Hill(who also offered his services to the film itself), and man, this guy could *shoot*. We get a few clips from the movie and a brief recounting of how the sport was viewed back then, and the former knight's abilities at it, that mainly make me wonder how much of that is at all factual(it's a legend, it's been added to over decades), and as it goes on, you suddenly come to the horrifying realization that this narrator is indeed *never going to shut up*. Even when he isn't delivering awful puns, it's a serious strain to listen to his constant yammering. I don't know, I guess that was the style back then for this sort of thing, and they didn't figure we'd want to hear the star of this interviewed(nope, not in this, no such luck). Still, if you are interested in the subject, this is definitely worth eight and a half minutes. I recommend this to anyone who wants to see awesome bow and arrow handling. You may want to mute it, though. 7/10


My guess would be that Warner Brothers was reissuing The Adventures Of Robin Hood when someone got the idea to make Cavalcade Of Archery. This short subject is a tribute to Howard Hill who was the champion archer of his day. Not coincidentally Hill served as the technical adviser on Robin Hood and on a great many other films when skill with a bow was needed.Outtake footage from Robin Hood was used as a brief description of the history of archery was briefly discussed by narrator Knox Manning. The English longbowman was a feared warrior in his day and English arrows ruled the medieval battlefield until artillery was invented and perfected. Hill gave us several tricks including going William Tell one better when he shoots not just an apple off a stuntman's head, but follows it with a prune. The stuntman declined however to chance a grape.Cavalcade Of Archery is an entertaining short subject about a sport that was once the ultimate weapon of war.

Neil Doyle

HOWARD HILL, the man who really split that arrow in THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD, is the star here in a short subject dedicated to his prowess as an archer.The short begins with three woman practicing their skill with the bow and arrow, a glimpse of olden times with scenes from ROBIN HOOD and ELIZABETH AND ESSEX, and then the introduction of real-life archer HOWARD HILL who is glad to demonstrate what he can do with some trick shots.One of his stunts involves a double arrow which hits its mark accurately, while others, aside from shooting normal targets, involve a young man willing to place an apple on his head, then a smaller fruit in order to have Howard shoot the target with precision accuracy. He also does a mirror shot, facing away from the target and depending on the mirror image to make his mark.No wonder he was billed here as The World's Greatest Archer. It didn't hurt that Warner Bros. was about to re-release THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD for another theatrical showing.

Ron Oliver

A Warner Bros. Short Subject.Master Bowman Howard Hill displays his remarkable skills in a Technicolor CAVALCADE OF ARCHERY.Seven years after using his talents to great advantage in the classic swashbuckler THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD (1938), Howard Hill once again steps in front of the cameras in this enjoyable, lighthearted little film. Although the silly narration sometimes intrudes, it never obscures what Mr. Hill is able to do with his arrows to a variety of targets, including bottles, a gourd, an apple & even a prune.Often overlooked or neglected today, the one and two-reel short subjects were useful to the Studios as important training grounds for new or burgeoning talents, both in front & behind the camera. The dynamics for creating a successful short subject was completely different from that of a feature length film, something akin to writing a topnotch short story rather than a novel. Economical to produce in terms of both budget & schedule and capable of portraying a wide range of material, short subjects were the perfect complement to the Studios' feature films.
