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Midnight Chronicles

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Midnight Chronicles (2008)

January. 01,2008
| Fantasy Horror Mystery
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In the world of MIDNIGHT, it is a time of overwhelming darkness. After three ages of scheming and war, the dark god Izrador has finally defeated the heroes and armies of the free races. Now, he rules the world of Aryth with an iron fist. Enslaved under the Shadow, the race of men leads an oppressed existence, and the elves and dwarves have retreated to distant forests and mountains.


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Admirable film.


A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action


Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.

Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable


I thought this looked good initially. The setting is a mythical world, not unlike the Tolkien Lord of the Rings trilogy, complete with Orcs. Boy, was I mistaken! After wasting about an hour and a half on this mess, I must relegate it to that select group of bombs which leaves the viewer saying to himself "I just lost 90 minutes of my life which I can never regain." While the sets and costumes are OK, the plot and the acting are as aimless and gruesome as a zombie. I just wish the script writer had shared with the audience what the underlying story was, so we could get a better idea of the origin, purpose, and destination of this tale. At the end of the movie, the viewer has a disappointing realization that the whole film is some sort of prequel, but it sure would have been nice to know this up front. Please, avoid this turkey!


I wasn't sure about this movie when I initially rented it. I hadn't heard any reviews, but I am a big fan of Fantasy movies in general so I thought I would check it out. This movie surprised me. Although I figured it for a low-budget film, since I hadn't heard of it, it didn't have the problems of many other low-budget films. Some other low-budget films fail to capture your attention, either from bad acting or bad sets. This movie had none of those, as it had very good acting (although I didn't recognize any of them) and the story was compelling to me. One other thing low-budget films usually suffer from is convincing the viewer that there is an entire world that exists, rather than a few dozen people running around trying to make the pretense of a larger world. This film succeeded in burying me in the illusion of the world they created and the story that they were telling.I really hope that they make a sequel, so I can see the rest of the story. It would be a shame if they stop making movies like this, just because a few people don't get what they are trying to make.


I'm glad to hear that most of the issues were people wanting to see more, not less. *Grin*This was originally the first 2 episodes of a series, and last I heard they're still wanting to pursue the series if they can get funding. I'm hoping they will as there's so much still to develop, (and on the selfish side, my character's development scenes got pushed back for later episodes...)Here's hoping. :) And to those that liked what they saw, Thanks so much for the kind words! :) And to those that didn't, I hope that knowing it's a TV series and wasn't originally intended to be a stand-alone movie, helps.Thanks again,Jeffrey AKA DoucanAlso, note that, While I was in this film, and am obviously biased, I don't get any kind of recompense if anyone buys the film. :) No Union contract for me :) hehe...


The costumes are great and the overall setting well crafted. Except for the the cheap below TV quality recording the look of the movie is really good. The acting is very mixed, some characters are played well, but most actors are as uninspired as the pace of the movie which drags on and on.I agree with the other comments about this movie, there are some good ideas in the story but they aren't played out. For a hundred minutes you wait for something to happen that's being hinted on and then the movie is through after a short and totally meaningless "climax" that makes you think: Was the whole movie just a character introduction?The high rating of this movie on IMDb comes as a big surprise. I only gave it 3/10 as a thank you for the costumes and scenery and because I am in a very good mood while typing this. I think the other voters are the actors of the movie who received a bonus to come here and give it a good rating ;).
