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Great, My Parents Divorce!

Great, My Parents Divorce! (1991)

February. 02,1991
| Comedy Family

Julien, a boy in the sixth grade, was badly depressed by the divorce of his parents. But he soon found that half of the class had come from broken families.


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Why so much hype?


Expected more


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.


When this film came out in the early 90's , I was 9 years old and I remember that it had a great deal of competition in the form of "Gremlins 2" and "My father's Glory" but this small little comedy ended up being a big hit because kids made it a big hit because of words to mouth during recess at school. I am saying this little anecdote because I believe this film truly represent what it was to be a pre-pubescent boy in the early 90's in France , I don't know how the director did it but he really created characters that were typical kids from that era.I remember my 9 year old self really enjoying that film because the kids were exactly like me and my friends , from the way they fought each other,dressed,cursed,teased each other and the way they were just plain ordinary kids.I felt at the time like I was watching a film that was made especially for me. Well watching it now , feels a bit different.For once yes it feels quite dated because of the fashion of the time is purely on display here (From boys with mini-ponytails to Flashy colored raincoats) and because the main theme of the film that is:kids fighting other kids because their parents got a divorce.Divorce had become very acceptable now but at the time it was a touchy feely subject because divorce was just booming in the early 90's in France, so kids watching the film today might think "Why are those kids fighting about that?, what's wrong with them" but at the time it made sense. But for adults in their late 20's,early 30's this film will bring a lot of flashback and a huge sense of nostalgia. So there we have it , it is a hard film to review because it is a required taste.I don't think that American kids or even French kids of today will get this film but adults who seen it as a child will enjoy the ride because it will bring them a lot of memories and yes!,they might even laughed at it a few times. I give this film a 6 out of 10.
