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Christmas in the Clouds

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Christmas in the Clouds (2001)

January. 21,2001
| Comedy Romance Family
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A classic comedy of mistaken identity and romance set during the holiday season at a ski resort that is owned and operated by a Native American Nation. Shot on location at The Sundance Resort in Utah, this is the first contemporary romantic comedy to feature an almost entirely American Indian cast. The film was featured at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival.


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Redundant and unnecessary.


Nice effects though.


Did you people see the same film I saw?


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


The moments, as I was settling in my seat at a local cinematic arts venue that screens mostly low-budget indie films, were gentle and I still had a lot of hope for Christmas in the Clouds. I had talked to my mom earlier that afternoon and told her I was on my way to see the film, which she'd already seen at a previous screening months before, during the annual NMAI Native Cinema Showcase held every year in Santa Fe, New Mexico during Indian Market. I hadn't had much interest in the film then. Naturally, there was not the buzz currently surrounding the film at that time. I opted to see 5th World, by Blackhorse Lowe instead.At first glance, "Clouds. . ." seemed "harmless enough". After settling in my seat, and after being introduced to the line-up of half-characters, engaged seemingly by their own affectedness, and not much else, my vague and creeping dis-ease slowly turned to manifestations, gestures, and certain facial expressions of consternation, horror and dismay at what I can only come close to describing as an American Indian circus on-screen. Too many clowns, all of them sad.The film is a farce. Devastatingly obvious in its gimmicks. The writing is bad, the cast is halfhearted, though pretty to look at, and those "reputable Indian actors and actresses" in the film could not save this film from the dredges of its own cultural, political, cinematic misery if they died trying. The most dangerous thing about this film: one cannot hope to take a poorly written, poorly manipulated offering (cinematic or literary) and throw it in an Indian setting and then offer it up. This film is being lauded as THE Indian film with the most "crossover potential", the film that's supposedly geared to hit the non-Indian market with some kind of force that previous films with almost all-native casts just did not possess. Disgusting. The film is not only a misrepresentation of Indian people and Indian culture, it is a parody of a parody, of a parody. Parodies of this nature, are misaligned, misguided and so bent on "parodying for the sake of parodying" and making certain parodies of themselves, that they somehow, come all the way back around to not parody the film itself, or even its subject, but to parody the very form, and all elements at work--cultural, political, and most sacred to Indian people-- the spiritual, and the sacredness of STORY. The "Indian parody" (especially one produced by a white filmmaker) is not justified nor is the public prepared for it. When an entire culture, abused and marred by history, has never been truly and thoroughly evaluated on its own terms and perceived by these terms-- it is thoroughly impossible and deplorable to parody the culture. The jokes fall flat. The people portraying the culture end up making a joke of the culture, and the cinematic art form itself. They end up making a joke of their audience, and themselves. Oprah has lauded this movie. And, now I'll never give Oprah as much credit ever again. On the slim chance that the makers of Christmas in the Clouds will ever come to read this review: thank you for making this movie. Every Indian, and perhaps every human too, with a vested interest in true and thorough cultural/political evaluation and dialogue should see this movie and do what they can to intellectually, critically, consciously and openly rip it apart for the contrived cinematic drivel and cultural degradation that it is.


this movie is great. it has a sense of humor that is not slapstick but kind of country it is not hateful but very hopeful the movie has small problems, it is not polished like a perfect golden globe there are tiny holes that could be filled in with an extra scene or two. however, it is a wonderful work of art. in the tradition of making you laugh, cry, and shout. its telling me i have to put more lines in. alright let me think here. basically the story is a penpal (think you've got mail) mixup leads a to an Indian-owned resort hotel in the West, various odd and humorous and touching characters, most of them lonely and looking for love, fill out the plot, and interact with each other in an extremely well constructed, not contrived, set of circumstances. oh and the love scenes are wonderful; not the typical degrading Hollywood stuff.

krysta kelley

I was very fortunate to be invited to the private screening held at the Sundance resort, previous to the Sundance Festival screenings and I was really pleasantly surprised . The entire film was well scripted, well acted, and fun for everyone. I was also at the press screening at Sundance a few days later, and the Q & A responses afterward were very positive. I am in shock that this has not found distribution yet! With all the crap that "the industry" sends out as "entertainment" I am appalled that this one sits on a shelf somewhere. It might not have "names" in the cast, but neither does Napoleon Dynamite and look how popular it has become, with over 40 million+ in revenue so far, I think someone should take a chance on distributing this charming, brilliant film. I really think the standout performances were Graham Greene's chef.....his walk thru the dining room as he commented on each diners meal was priceless! And Jonathon Joss' character Phil was hilarious.....on par with Bill Murray's character in Caddyshack! Please, if anyone knows how to / where to buy a copy please let me know via email...Thanks !


This evening I laughed, and cried a little, to the romantic comedy set in the mountains. A friend asked me to go see this movie, I didn't know much about it before I went. I'm glad I went. I needed some laughs and got more than the usual Hollywood formula would have provided. The characters are given some time for the audience to get to know them, and enjoy their story before the movie ended. Some parts of the movie are "cute," but not excessively for a romantic comedy. This is a "chick flick," though guys would enjoy it too. I enjoyed the mountain scenes. Well worth seeing!
