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Hinterland (2015)

February. 27,2015
| Drama
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When Harvey (Harry Macqueen) hears that Lola (Lori Campbell) is returning home after years abroad he arranges to take her away for the weekend to the sea-side cottage where they spent so much of their youth. What follows is a touching and beautiful story of a old friendship rekindled within a new context. Hinterland is a poetic journey of self-discovery and heartbreak in contemporary Britain, a very original and visually stunning road-trip film.


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Instant Favorite.

Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

Andrew Tempero

This is an utterly beautiful meditation on contemporary friendship and a stunningly mature debut. Both Macqueen and Campbell are wonderfully natural - drawing us into their world with subtly and nuance. Hard to think of performances so uncluttered in recent times. Ben Hecking's cinematography is gorgeously composed and compliments the performances excellently. The film captures the wilds of Cornwall extremely evocatively both mysterious and intimate. It's a slow burner but a film made with intelligence and poise. It speaks for a generation usually without a voice in contemporary British culture. An incredibly important British feature film.


I like Hinterland. It is avant-garde and artistically done--the cinematography with unconventional camera angles and uneven shots are not typical and shock the viewer then pull them into the story. The film depicts breathtakingly picturesque scenery of the beautiful English countryside with wild ponies and animals milling around the highway, all creating images of life and expectation. Hinterland is an unusually quiet film in this world of bombastic, loud, clichéd cinema. I especially like the beginning of Hinterland--the still, close shots of rooms, the desk, the bathtub--no movement until suddenly a man climbs from a tub establish a haunting mileau. This film will be a big hit with millennials because it relates to the theme of lost youth searching for meaning. The original soundtrack is captivating and, with the woman's soulful vocals, is haunting.The conflicts come out of two young people trying to figure out unknown futures which cause them both fear and trepidation. They're both a bit in love with each other, but are terrified of commitment, of becoming stuck in lives that would take away their freedom to live vibrant, authentic experiences without boundaries like the wild horses roaming the English hills.

L Smith

This movie had me from the beginning. I didn't see the trailer prior to watching so didn't know what to expect.The scenery gorgeous and the unspoken relationship between the 2 characters was easily understood. They both did wonderful acting to get the relationship across.I loved the quiet scenes, you just know what each is thinking.For a first movie on a small budget they did very quality work. Everything was smooth, loved hearing the sputter of the engine of the car and the little roads traveled.Highly recommended for anyone wanting to kick back and relax to watch a lovely, well written, directed, graceful movie.


From the opening shot the film invites attention. We immediately feel drawn to the two characters and we sense how important it is that Harvey meets up with his old friend Lola. Harry Macqueen manages to convey longing , trepidation and hope without little dialogue. Both actors play their parts well and the setting is beautiful. I particularly liked the ability to convey such a depth of emotion with no graphic demonstration of it. The camera work demonstrating where Harvey is thinking of Lola is very cleverly done The film goes to show that you do not need big budgets, or even big story lines to captivate an audience. Good actors, directing , a lovely setting and beautiful camera work can achieve that.
