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Just Another Girl on the I.R.T.

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Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. (1993)

March. 19,1993
| Drama Romance
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Chantel Mitchell, a hip, articulate, black high-school girl in Brooklyn, is determined not to become "just another girl on the IRT" (the IRT is one of NYC's subway lines). She dreams of medical school, a family, and an escape from the generational poverty and street-corner life her friends seem to have accepted as their lot. But personal and sexual challenges confront Chantel on her way to fulfilling these dreams.


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Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


Chantel, an African-American girl of 17, has dreams, which is more then one can say for those around her. Just on the edge of her high school years she is surrounded by people who have resigned themselves to a life of hanging out on the street corner.Chantel wants a future being admired for her brain. She dreams of medical school, a husband and children and a home away from the hood. But then something unexpected happens. Chantel's future is put on hold when she becomes pregnant by her boyfriend.The movie has some wonderful ideas. The problem is that Chantel is so hateful that it is hard to care about her plight. It is easy to understand that she would be angry and frustrated at the prospect of having to curb her dreams but she is so unpleasant to watch that it is hard for the viewer to get close to her. I don't think that every movie has to have likable characters to work, but in this case it seems essential.I was reminded of another film 'Shallow Grave' about three hateful Scots trying to steal a million dollars. In that film as with this one it depends on whether or not we care about the people involved and in both cases we don't.


I think people are being so0o close-minded about this movie, that its pretty sad. The director did a great job at showing urban life and how it is growing up as a teenager, because I know thats just how I am and that how it really is where I'm from. I feel like I can relate a lot to the character since I have more going for myself and I am trying to get out the hood, which I think the director was trying to show. Just because you come from poverty doesn't mean you have to stay and that Doesn't MEAN YOU CANT DRESS NICE!!! Also in a movie, nobody says you have to like the main character, so why are so many people writing that?? You don't have to agree with the things the main character does, the director is just trying to get a story across. And just because someone is BOOK SMART, it doesn't mean they don't like flashy things such as cars, because their just not used to it. And whoever wrote the comment about making $500 in a little grocery store- you are so wrong!! And Lastly, just because you live in an urban area it does not mean that you surround yourself around VIOLENCE, GUNS, AND DRUGS!! People can be so ignorant about lifestyles they never experienced and then they want to be comment negatively about it. I think the director did a great job!!


Seldom do I see a movie which makes me scream for the death of the lead character, but this one did. I'm not quite sure if the point was to criticize the urban African-American "culture" of materialism and irresponsibility, but the net effect was to suggest that Chantel deserved all the heartache she got and then some. If you enjoy watching a totally irresponsible, self-centered, terminally attitudinal nut case mess up her life, this is the flick for you. Supposedly, she is intelligent and studious, but the film doesn't back that up, because everything she does is colossally stupid. This movie could be used by white supremacist groups to justify neglect of inner city youth; the folks in this flick don't seem to be that badly off (the high school looks positively middle-class compared to some of those in Los Angeles), but they resolutely disregard every opportunity that blows their way.


I, on the other hand, do not agree with what one of the user's write stating that this movie was "just awful". If you have never lived in that environment or been around people like that, then how could you understand the movie? It might have not been a Matrix type movie but it had it's meaning behind it. Here we have a girl who grew up in the projects, family on a tight income, and deals with the pressures of teenage life in New York City. For someone to just say that it was plain awful is insulting..maybe they need to see the movie again and actually take the time out to try and understand what this movie is trying to say to our young people.
