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The Butterfly Tattoo

The Butterfly Tattoo (2009)

April. 17,2009
| Drama Thriller

"Chris Marshall met the girl he was going to kill on a warm night in early June, when one of the colleges in Oxford was holding its summer ball." A chance meeting with Jenny at an Oxford party leaves seventeen-year-old Chris with hope for a summer romance - and no premonition of trouble. Busy with his job and soon in love with Jenny, whose cheerful surface belies the dark uncertainty of her past,


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ridiculous rating


One of the best films i have seen


This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible


My friend brought this movie over on DVD for a movie night. I had no idea what to expect and had never heard of the novel it was based off.I thought of butterfly as in the butterfly effect. But still i watched this movie with no expectations. As picky as i sometimes get about movies i was blown away by the impact of this movie had on me. Such a beautiful and sad story. Now even after a week of watching the movie i am still thinking about it(this doesn't happen to me very often) as in how much impact this made on my personal feelings. I watched Kick-Ass this week in the cinema, good movie but after the movie was done you still have good laugh about it that evening but the next day i didn't even think about it anymore. With butterfly tattoo it was different for me.Also i had never heard from the actors but i also thought they had good chemistry together(the 2 main characters), but the guy who played Barry overacted sometimes which made me chuckle at times. Also Jessica Blake was eye-candy to me, such a beautiful woman. As how she acted how can a man not love her. Definitely better than kebab haha.After watching the movie i went here to IMDb and saw that these actors are somewhat all newbies and that this movie was made with a small budget.The fact that the 2 main characters are new actors... i was stunned by their performance. This blew me away even more and the only thing i can say about it is: BRAVO! You guys made my evening and i definitely plan on getting this movie on DVD to put it into my own collection! I hope to see more of these actors in the near future, they deserve it.This movie is 10 times better than that major crap called: Twilight. A major thank you to the team that made this movie.I have been moved by this movie and hope future viewers of this movie will be too. This is the impact that the movie has/had to make and they succeeded very VERY much.


I'll keep it short.It's been a long time since I've been moved like that by a movie.Maybe because I identified a lot with Chris, but still the story is compelling, true to the heart. The relationship between Chris and Jenny doesn't seem fake, every time I was expecting a cliché it sidestepped a little. The ending may be obvious to some, but it's not what makes a good drama. Jessica Blake's a real treat, and I hope to see more of her in the future. I quite liked the director's work too. Lingering frames, gorgeous photography. A well recommended movie.

Kellie Stewart

This story was well acted, it was just not a story worth acting. The people you should be sympathetic toward end up making so many stupid choices that it's difficult to have sympathy for them. This could be called a modern day Romeo and Juliet, but there were no families involved, just two people from different walks of life that come together and fall in love, if you can call their brief time together love. Their relationship was sweet to watch come together, but you don't get involved with someone and let them know so little about you that they can't locate you and think that you have abandoned them along with other poor assumptions. The only person I felt sorry for was Barry. He seemed like a person with his heart in the right place that had turned his life around and was thankful for it. This movie dragged things out for too long and made the boy seem like a complete moron that acted before he thought anything through. Love does odd things to us, but this boy apparently lost all logic and reason over not being able to find someone. I found this movie disappointing. I did not think it was heartwarming and came away more irritated than anything else.

Phil Hawkins (phil-797)

From: http://culturewitch.wordpress.com/ - The witch rarely gets to go to premieres of any kind, so the UK premiere of The Butterfly Tattoo made a welcome change. It was on last night at Cornerhouse in Manchester, as part of a short film festival, and whereas it wasn't full, it was very busy. They moved the screening to cinema one, which I assume was to accommodate more people.The film? It was good. Very good. I'd heard it was very good, and then I read a review somewhere which claimed it wasn't, particularly. So we went with open minds, and Daughter was warned that it wouldn't end happily. The script follows Philip Pullman's book pretty closely, so you do get the bad end at the beginning, so to speak.It's Romeo and Juliet, really. Some very intense love when boy meets girl, and then lots of confusion as they lose touch. Lots of searching, to a backdrop of someone else's criminal behaviour, which eventually comes to have a bearing on the lives of Chris and Jenny as well.You can tell that the film was filmed on a budget, but I wish more films were, if this is the result. There is nothing that would have been better for more money. I was particularly struck by one of the love scenes, which was blissfully quiet. In a more commercial film the couple would have found they were accompanied in the bedroom by a large orchestra. Here, there was nothing. No sound at all. Just as it should be.The screening was followed by a Q&A with the director Phil Hawkins and some of the cast and crew, with more crew members in the audience. I was going to say that they tried to save on money by having many of them be both cast and crew, but that's silly, as nobody got paid. I suppose it just shows how versatile they are. Who'd have thought that the drunk was actually the director himself?The questions were along the lines of, well I don't remember, because they were so technically knowledgeable that I didn't even understand the questions, let alone the answers. I did get that they could only afford one camera, though. And it rained for the ball scene, and they had to hurry before the extras all died of hypothermia.It was all done in five weeks, and I hope that cinemas all over the world will see the light and buy The Butterfly Tattoo. Philip Pullman was right to let someone young buy the rights to his book for peanuts. Sometimes enthusiasm will do more than years of experience and loads of finance. And perhaps I'm just put out that I didn't act fast enough to buy a share or two in the film.
