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The Ghosts in Our Machine

The Ghosts in Our Machine (2013)

November. 08,2013
| Documentary

Through the heart and photographic lens of international photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, 
we become intimately familiar with a cast of non-human animals. The film follows Jo-Anne over the course of a year as she photographs several animal stories in parts of Canada, 
the U.S. and in Europe. Each story is a window into global animal industries: 
Food, Fashion, Entertainment and Research.


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Really Surprised!


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


There's a profound and stark beauty to this movie, despite the horror of its subject matter. I saw this at the Melbourne premier in 2014 and was truly mesmerized. The most important movie of it's kind because it can reach across the divide of activists to the general film goer who simply appreciates a well-made documentary and indeed a thriller of a story line. Jo-Anne makes a most sympathetic yet clearly reluctant heroine, my heart ached for her and what she is compelled to do to make the world a better, more just place. A war correspondent indeed.I cannot rate this documentary highly enough. In short, I think it's stunning and should reach a much broader audience than it does.


This is a beautifully done documentary. If you love animals' it is not to be missed. The four -leggeds, the winged ones, the ones who swim. They are all here, as Humans are here, to live out their lives to the best of their ability. Did you pay attention? Even after suffering, never being shown compassion,no "normal" living space,no care past being kept alive, either long enough to get fattened up for the kill, or long enough to suffer pain and mutation......EVEN THEN the rescued ones,bear no hatred of humans. They deserve LIFE. Life as Creator meant for them. I feel like I may be preaching to the choir... How do you get this movie in the living rooms of Corporate America?


This stunning film is unlike any other of its subject matter you've ever seen. Other animal-rights films often simply shock or desensitize with graphic, tragic imagery. While Ghosts In Our Machine does not altogether avoid footage of the disturbing realities that animals used for food, clothing and entertainment face, the filmmaker does an amazing job with balance and juxtaposition. TGIOM, through following the work of photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, exposes cruelty humans put animals through, but you will also meet rescued animals and their human caretakers who would not trade their work for anything in the world. The cinematography is astoundingly beautiful, and haunting, with a soundtrack to match. The truth that this film brings to the world is that non-human animals are just like us; they feel love, joy, curiosity, and happiness, have friendships, play games, love their family members, and deserve lives free from the abuse, captivity, fear, emotional suffering and physical pain necessitated by industries that use animals. And yet the film is still able to let you decide that for yourself.

SCLB Grandt

"Ghosts" is a film that tries to do too much and yet accomplishes very little. It is an overly simplistic take on a deeply complex issue. If Director Liz Marshall and Jo Anne McArthur want the average viewer to feel empathy for animals, they perhaps succeeded. But if their goal is to inspire the viewer and convince them to stop consuming, using and/or wearing these animals I am not sure this film was sufficiently persuasive.The intended audience of this film is clear: It is meant for a viewer who has spent minimal time contemplating animal suffering. Not surprisingly, the animal rights and ethical vegan community are rejoicing over the film's release. It is so rare for theaters to give mainstream attention to a film that delves into the human-animal relationship and shows something the viewer may be incredibly uncomfortable seeing or acknowledging. A film like "Ghosts" is different than movies such as "The Cove" or "Blackfish," as it is relatively easy for a viewer to detach themselves from the any sense of personal complicity. In the latter two films, if an audience member feels that atrocities are committee at the expense of marine mammals they do not have to point a finger at themselves since they are not hunting the animals. But when a film demonstrates to the viewers that they themselves are part of the problem and forces them to critique their own consumption and rethink cultural norms, the film will not as readily gain mainstream support or popularity.Unfortunately, the intended audience may be different than the actual audience, as much of the movie's support and viewership will come from the animal rights movements... the ones who need little convincing.That said, the viewer is kept waiting for the plot in this film. The brilliant cinematography enhanced the film and the emotional response to its content, but the plot climax never seemed to come. It is easy to emphasize and root for Ms. McArthur. In an early scene in the film in which Ms. McArthur documented conditions on a fur farm, I was left waiting for amazing footage of atrocities in an unseen world. The film however left me disappointed by proceeding to spend much of the next 45 advertising for Farm Sanctuary.The film addressed the exploitation of purpose bred beagles in laboratory research. I was inspired by the adoption these wonderful beagles, but at the same time it was an incredibly wasted learning opportunity - what exactly were these dogs rescued from? The viewer saw them in cages but the film did not explain what was being inflicted upon them and why. We saw shots of notebooks and an explanation that the dogs were scared and could take months, if not years, to re-socialize. But what type of harm did they endure? what is a "teaching animal?" The credits at the end of the film contained a sentence about beagle testing for medical and dentistry purposes. There was not a single mention of the cosmetics, chemical and pharmaceutical industries that inflict horrific and needless tests on animals. The 2 second shot of a bottle of perfume and a make up counter were very likely lost on most viewers. Moreover, it was not explained to the viewer why medical testing is cruel, unnecessary and provides flawed results.Virtually no point in the film was fully explained. Proponents of the film may respond to my criticism to pointing out that the film doesn't aim to educate with facts or discussion, but instead to show suffering, to show the faces of these creatures that human chooses to capture, torture and turn into commodities. This may be a valid artistic choice, but it left the movie feeling empty and pointless. Veganism, a lifestyle involving a conscious abstention from the products of animal suffering, was given minimal attention in a very short part of the film. The problems of the dairy industry were barely mentioned and eggs were not mentioned at all. The potential for confusion between the idyllic scenes of rescued at Farm Sanctuary and advertising for various humane products seems especially high. Or perhaps even if a viewer concludes that any method of killing an animal is ethically questionable, they may persist in their consumption of eggs and dairy by rationalizing "I will buy my eggs from chickens who have lots of space and are well care for in small traditional farms." It was not lost on me that Ms. McArthur continuously used the term "factory farm" over and over again, but never explicitly condemned the myth of "humane" farming except for in one line towards the very end of the movie.Overall, advocates for animals should be pleased a film that might inspire viewers to go vegan is receiving mainstream attention. However, the film had way too many missed opportunities and no definitive plot. I could have saved my $15 and simply gone onto Farm Sanctuary's website (or visited the place myself) to see it be shameless promoted. That said, I would definitely share this film with my non vegan friends and family, but I would insist on viewing it with them so that I could fill in many of the unfortunate gaps in its presentation of the issues and address any of the likely confusions that may arise for those unfamiliar with its themes.
