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A Cadaver Christmas

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A Cadaver Christmas (2011)

April. 02,2011
| Horror Comedy
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United by terrifying and bizarre circumstances, the janitor, the drunk, the bartender, the cop, his perp, and the student security guard must fight to undo the professor's work. A dark force is at work in the cadaver lab this Christmas and this unconventional band of heroes are the only hope the world has against an army of living corpses that are quickly recruiting new members. The undead have been given the gift of life and it's up to the janitor to take it back.


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An action-packed slog

Kamila Bell

This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.


When I saw the cover for this movie, I thought 8t was going to have a zombie santa on are hands , I thought ghe cover Was a bit misleading.This was not thd best indie , I have not seen many indie recently , it been Awhile since i seen one For me , I found this movie to been really funny at times, Maybe I am easily pleased with humourbut I did laugh a numer of times.There were some really silly jokes that do not work at all.The cast worked really well together.I did enjoy some of the gory zombie deaths, not bad for a low bugget indie m9vie The acting was good for this kind of movie. 5 our of 10

George Taylor

Ever since Shaun of the Dead, anyone and everyone thinks they can make a zombie comedy. They're wrong and this lame waste of time proves it. What people miss is that Shaun is a traditional zombie film with comedy elements. When something tries to be comedic, like this mess, it usually doesn't work. Poor acting, bad directing, some lame effects and stupid ideas make this the terrible waste of time it is. I'm sure when the screenplay writers got together and lit up that bowl of cheap weed, they thought it was hysterical. Too bad any hilarity that existed didn't make it to the screen. A comedy is supposed to make one laugh, not sigh with relief when it's over. Watch only if A)You don't own Shaun on DVD or B) you're too drunk or high to care. This is bad enough to be one of the 'movies' the formerly known as the Sci-Fi channel shows on Saturday.


I love B grade horror films. I love zombie movies. I love over the top Troma humor. I am even an indie filmmaker. I did not like this movie.The premise sounds really fun: A janitor enlists several locals to help him fight zombies in a university on Christmas eve. Instead of an enjoyable romp with tons of blood and gore, we get long passages where nothing happens and banal dialog that is supposed to pass for jokes.The film is really nothing more than a low budget vanity project by a group of guys who aren't as funny or talented as they want to be. It's the kind of situation that all indie movie makers have been in (me included) where enthusiasm can't compensate for a bad script. I will check back after they've made a few more movies, though. I'm betting they do get better down the line.


Forced to bring a group of disbelievers into a college dorm, a janitor leads the group through the halls filled with zombies reanimated through an on-campus experiment and must find a way of getting out safely.This turned out to be quite an enjoyable and cheesy zombie effort. One of the biggest pluses here is the fact that there's a rather enjoyable atmosphere created from the goofy action presented. There's some rather enjoyable material to be found here as the plot allows this ample opportunities to get rather silly at times where the groups' bumbling nature in regards to both offensive and defensive tactics against the zombies gets rather silly at times, utilizing mops and brooms for offense, slipping and sliding on blood-soaked hallways and using everything from desks and notebooks to provide a barrier against the encroaching hordes and the over-the-top nature here keeps this one quite enjoyable. Combined along with the jokes and word-play present, this one has more laughs than expected though this one never forgets to have a hand in the scares which is what allows this one to keep the zombies as threats. They're the slow, shuffling variety which keeps the factor here based on the overall number of creatures there swarming around them as they fight them off, resulting not only in pretty enjoyable scenes but also plenty of action within as the group has plenty of time to fight them off. This also adds some pretty decent amounts of gore to the proceeds, and while these make for some rather entertaining measures, it does have a few flaws in that the comedic nature wears thin after a while with some of the jokes loosing their luster and the whole enterprise being loaded by a rather preposterous storyline that gets almost no fleshing out and remains ludicrous upon scrutiny. Otherwise, there's a whole lot to like here.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Brief Nudity and comedic sexual scenes.
