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Mickey's Circus

Mickey's Circus (1936)

August. 01,1936
| Animation Comedy

Mickey is ringmaster of a circus for orphans. Donald has a trained sea lion act, and does a bit of juggling himself. Mostly, though, he fights with a baby sea lion who keeps stealing both the fish and the show. Donald then finds himself and Mickey in an unrehearsed high wire act, which kicks into high gear when one of the orphans electrifies the wire. They end by doing a high dive into the seals' tank.


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Expected more


Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.


This cartoon short is called Mickey's Circus, but the show belonged to Donald Duck. He attempts to put on a sea lion act for the orphans, but the sea lions got the best of Donald, stealing the fish and wrestling with Donald. Soon, both Donald and Mickey find themselves in an unexpected high-wire act, thanks to mischievous orphans.Kids might find this short funny, but I thought much of the story is annoying with the unrelenting baby sea lion stealing Donald's fish and spoiling his show to the orphans' blatant disregard for the safety of Mickey and Donald by electrifying the wire and putting oil on it. Some thanks they show to our two heroes, who put on a free show for them! Not a fun cartoon.Grade D---


Mickey's Circus was one of my all-time favourite cartoons as a kid and I still love it now. Despite it being Mickey's Circus though, I found Mickey sidelined. Considering that the characters that stole the show were Donald, funny and temperamental as ever, and the cute sea lions, I thought a more fitting title could've been Donald's Circus. However, it is always amusing, especially the sequences with Donald, the Sea Lions and the fish and Donald on the tightrope. The story may be slightly routine, but the gags and action are always exciting, and elevated by the energetic music, including a sped-up version of Offenbach's Can Can and beautiful Technicolour animation. The Orphans are a bratty lot, but there is something appealing also about them. Walt Disney and especially Clarence Nash's voice work is as bravura as always. Overall, a great cartoon, with Donald and the Sea Lions stealing the show. 9/10 Bethany Cox

Shawn Watson

Mickey's Circus is having an 'orphans for free' day. All of the orphans appear to be Mickey Mice. His circus ain't up to much as far as we see. All he appears to have are a bunch of dancing seals, they baby is the cutest.Though classed as a Mickey cartoon, he disappears for most of the show, leaving Donald to go crazy in that way he always does. Obviously the seals torment Donald and cause him no end of grief but why do the orphans suddenly turn on Mickey's Circus? The pack him and Donald into the cannon and blast them off. Nothing like saying thanks huh?There are a few laughs in this one. But not a lot. I don't like circuses.


'Mickey's Circus' is a pretty funny animated short starring Mickey who announces Donald Duck and his sea-lions in a circus. There are three adult sea lions and one little one and especially the little one causes some trouble. Of course from that point everything else goes terribly wrong as well.This is a nice short. There are quite some funny moments. Especially the moments where the little sea lion has a fight with Donald over a fish is very good. Near the end Mickey returns in the short when he ends up in the trapeze because Donald can't control his sea lions. Another nice one from Disney.
