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Bombs Over Burma

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Bombs Over Burma (1942)

June. 05,1942
| Action
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The film tells the story of Chinese guerrillas fighting for the Allied cause in Burma during Early in World War II, Chungking schoolteacher Lin Yang is recruited to help with the dangerous mission of protecting the Allied supply line from Burma into China. In spite of the danger involved, her determination to help is strengthened when one of her young students is killed in a Japanese air raid. Some time later, she is part of a group of Allied representatives departing from Lashio, on a bus traveling the Burma Road back to China. A bridge outage forces them to spend the night in a monastery along the way, and during the night they watch in horror as a supply convoy of trucks is bombed by Japanese planes. The timing and accuracy of the raid brings them to realize that either one of their group, or perhaps the priest in the monastery, is really an enemy agent


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Wonderful character development!


Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


This starts quite promising lee, with school teacher Anna May Wong all of a sudden interrupted in her class when the Japanese begin to bomb the area where she is. It gains emotional support when a child is gunned down, pretending to shoot at the planes but unaware that he is about to become a target. That disturbing opening is followed by nearly 40 minutes of practically nothing else going on as Wong become surrounded by American and English visitors who suspect each other as possibly being a spy, and not for the right side. There are some long moment of silence for pretty much nothing happens, and it becomes almost impossibly tedious. Of course this all explodes for an action packed finale where locals rush to Wong's aid as the identity of who the villain truly leads to a grizzly conclusion. After the previous year's The Lady from Chungking, I had hopes that this PRC drama would be as exciting as its predecessor. Unfortunately that was not to be the case. Wong is still lovely and there are some interesting moments of photography. But this is like many other World War II propaganda films made during the time in which it takes place. All flag waving on the outside, but inside truly nothing but a shell of a plot and very little to keep the momentum of the film going.


After several years of somewhat reading about this Chinese-American actress Anna May Wong, I finally got to see her in a movie. In this one, she plays a school teacher in the Asian country who becomes a liaison to some supply trucks meant to aid in the battle against the enemy Japanese during World War II. Since this picture is from the poverty row PRC, it's length is a little more than an hour which is just as well since part of the time it seems padded with some scenes of trucks just moving without any dialogue or music to ease the monotony. Still, there is some dramatically compelling moments at the beginning with one of her students having some fun in hearing planes flying-not knowing what their target is-before his tragic ending and near the end when one of the bus passengers is discovered to be a spy who gets his comeuppance. The print I watched was quite fuzzy with a soundtrack that had some surface noise that made it hard to understand some of the dialogue though whoever ran the film at least silenced it when no sounds were supposed to come out on audio. In summary, Bombs Over Burma isn't quite good as a drama but isn't too bad as a mystery, either.


Anna May Wong is a Chinese school teacher Lin Yang, who is also a spy for the "good guys" during WW II. She is traveling with an international group, who must discover who is leaking information to the Japanese bombers. The story is pretty good, but the sound quality is poor in parts of the film, with quite a bit of static in the soundtrack. Also lots of stock wartime footage thrown in. I was quite impressed at how the women could keep their hair and makeup just perfect on this long, hard roadtrip. Leslie Denison ( Roger Howe ) was a busy guy in those days - made 12 films in 1942, and 14 in 1943, in large and small roles. Wong had just made Lady from Chunking, the year before, another Alexander/Stern production about wartime China. Astute viewers will recognize the large, annoying Dan Seymour (Brogranza), who had played Captain Renard in To Have and Have Not. Too bad they didn't give him a larger role in this film - might have helped spruce it up. Connie Leon, who was actually British, provides the only laughs as the Chinese customs agent who taunts each person in the group as they are questioned when leaving town. This was just the third film for Ned Young (Slim Jenkins), and only the second credited role for lovely blonde Teala Loring, who seems to be the daughter of Doctor somebody or other, going to Chunking to check on him. Entertaining film, quite short at 65 minutes. It was a little odd... in the credits for the film, they use the PRC symbol for "producers releasing corp", but that's also the abbreviation for "Peoples Republic of China"...

Snow Leopard

A good, tense story and Anna May Wong's leading performance more than make up for this World War II feature's cheapish production and low-budget look. The story is interesting in itself, and it also serves the purpose of illuminating a vital but little-remembered aspect of the world war. Wong also gets support from some of the other cast members, although most of them are well below her stature as a performer.The setup has Wong as a schoolteacher who is helping to keep the Burma Road supply line open, despite enemy raids and other problems. The main part of the movie comes when she and a bus load of fellow passengers are stuck in a remote monastery along the supply line, as it becomes increasingly clear that one of their little group is a traitor who is tipping off the Japanese Air Force so that they can destroy the supply convoys.The story is told effectively, and even the low-budget look often actually aids in setting the atmosphere. The suspense is maintained rather well for an extended time, and the story keeps you guessing as long as possible as to just how things will turn out.The down side includes the dialogue, which is not nearly as good as the story, and some of the flat supporting performances. Dan Seymour is an exception, in a smaller role as the kind of lowlife that he always portrayed convincingly. As Sir Roger, Leslie Denison gives a rather plain performance for most of the movie, but he redeems himself with a fine wordless performance in the tense climactic scene. Nedrick Young has a couple of good moments as an American truck driver, and Connie Leon does a decent job of providing comic relief in her scene as a Burmese bureaucrat."Bombs Over Burma" and "Lady From Chungking" both starred Wong, and were both made by the same production company at about the same point in the war. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses, but both benefit considerably from Wong's presence, and both were worthwhile in drawing attention to the often forgotten part of the war that was fought on mainland Asia.
