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The War Game

The War Game (1966)

April. 13,1966
| War TV Movie

A docudrama depicting a hypothetical nuclear attack on Britain. After backing the film's development, the BBC refused to air it, publicly stating "the effect of the film has been judged by the BBC to be too horrifying for the medium of broadcasting." It debuted in theaters in 1966 and went on to great acclaim, but remained unseen on British television until 1985.


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I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much


hyped garbage


Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


Admirable film.


Docudrama, science fiction, and educational broadcasting collide in Peter Watkins' cry against the horrors of nuclear war. The unsteady camera films the disturbing action, the haunting stares of burned survivors of the massive weapons some countries seem to throw at one another in a disgustingly nonchalant manner creep up onto your television. Children bloodied and burned, moans of pain surrounding the empty atmosphere. This is essentially a post apocalyptic world, and it is very much possible."The War Game" will remain relevant as long as war itself remains relevant; it is an important reminder of the great harm that violence upon another civilization will almost always leave to damaging civilian causalities. This is a sad, shocking fact of life that people often gloss over, but they will be reminded of its significance after viewing this masterpiece. The booming, monotone narration contrasts powerfully with the unspeakably horrific imagery that flickers before us. There is no need to go into detail, for this a film that must be seen by everyone. It is among the most realistic, brutal, and brilliant portrayals of a world at war that you will ever see.


This is a completely amazing film--one that makes films about nuclear war like "On The Beach", "Failsafe" and "Ladybug Ladybug" seem VERY tame by comparison. It is harrowing yet VERY realistic. And, I can't imagine someone watching this and not being affected.The film appears to be a documentary but the scenario is fictional. The actual impact of a nuclear attack, however, is very realistic and talks about things you don't normally think about--such as the aftereffects. A proliferation of rats, looting, martial law, blindness, the inability of the hospitals to care for the wounded (necessitating the police to shoot the dying), malnutrition, disease, malaise and HUGE numbers of dead. It's all very, very grim and flies in the face of insane notions that nuclear wars are survivable.Because the recreations of events and style of camera-work are VERY realistic, it's almost like watching an attack and life after it as if it has already happened. I don't care if your political bent is far-left, far-right or anything in between, this is sobering and awful. I can't think of a better film to adequately approach the realities of nuclear war.Read up on the trivia section for this film on IMDb--it's fascinating. Well worth seeing but super-grim.


The War Game is a very important what-if documentary. It was banned in Britain until 1985. It is the best what-if documentary I have ever seen and it is a very scary experience. The film shows what would have happened if Britain suffered a nuclear attack and how local authorities and the emergency services would have dealt with it. It doesn't show how the central government would have been handled it and it focuses on the ground level. Firefighters struggling to deal with fires caused, to a child going blind because of the flash, to a the aftermath showing food riots and longterm illnesses. As well as showing these experiences and playing it like it was really happening, the documentary also gives people facts and statistics about government planning for a nuclear attack. This documentary is very well done doesn't overplay things like some other films would have done. It shows how horrible a nuclear attack would have been and you can't watch it without a scenes of shook and sorrow. It is a very good thing and I think it still has a great impact, but I can imagine that it must have been very shocking in the 60s and 70s. You need a strong stomach to watch this film but it is worth it, especially if you like what-if scenarios.


War Game, The (1965) *** 1/2 (out of 4) Peter Watkins documentary has a rather interesting history behind it. It was produced for BBC TV but the company deemed it too graphic and intense so the film was banned. Some sort of loophole allowed the film to be released into theaters (with an X rating) where it eventually won the Academy Award for Best Documentary. The film talks about what would happen if a Nuclear weapon hit Britian. Even with current events, this documentary remains quite powerful and unsettling. The violence and views of the attack and aftermath are fairly hard to watch and they are shown in such brutal force that it's no wonder this film was originally banned. It's also interesting that this would win the Best Documentary award since the film documents something that hadn't happened yet.
