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Animals Are Beautiful People

Animals Are Beautiful People (1974)

November. 15,1974
| Comedy Documentary Family

Animals Are Beautiful People (aka Beautiful People) is a 1974 nature documentary about the wildlife in Southern Africa. It was filmed in the Namib Desert, the Kalahari Desert and the Okavango River and Okavango Delta. It was produced for cinema and has a length of slightly more than 90 minutes.


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It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.

Jenni Devyn

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


I've seen more than my fair share of documentaries, and even some less known nature documentaries. They all have something special about them, but not one goes to such great lengths to not only show us the beauty of nature (Africa), but also animals being simply - funny to no end. The research and work that went into making of this film, as well as the effort that it must've taken to put it all together in such a fun package is well worthy of any award. This film is for all fun loving nature and animal lovers out there. If you have kids, or are a big kid yourself, even better. Sit back and enjoy, you will not be disappointed (only pleasantly surprised). Even though this gem falls under a category "documentary" it feels like a feature film due to its fun nature where animals are like actors telling us their stories. So, do not disregard it due to its label - documentaries can be dry and underwhelming, but this one is exact opposite.


A true South African classic. A film for everyone. My sisters and Imust have watched it at every school we attended and loved it every time. Twenty years on, mythreeyear old niece adores it, especially the 'drunk animals' and the badger and the honey-guide. The scenes with the baby pelicans had her (and me) in tears. There are some scenes that seem contrived but these are few and far between. The classical music score is marvellous and the sound effects enhance the effect and thefilm is a visual feast. Highly recommended.

Jack Jensen

Okay, I have written some rather unfriendly comments before, but there can be nothing bad said about this movie. In this movie, the director shows how much of a comic genius he really is. The scenes are wonderfully played out, considering the animals are not acting; makes me wonder how many thousands of takes the director must have had. The director plays the role of the narrator in a sort of zoological commentary on how animals of the Kalahari act really like humans, and they really do. They even get drunk like humans. The editing is great and the colours are wonderful, in my point of view. I remember the first time I saw this movie, I thought I would have died of laughter 4 or 5 times, I even had to check my pulse to make sure. That is how funny this movie is. It is worth the money and the time by a long-shot. Enjoy, everyone.


Beautiful People is a masterpiece. Why? Becuase its a two hour long documentary that children can see without getting bored. I watched this at the age of five and it captivated me. Why?Because director Uys uses sound effects that doesn't always ocur in nature. For instance: see the little beatle run. See how it runs. Suddenly it stops dead in its tracks! And when it stops you hear the sound of screeching tires! Classic! The narrator sometimes sarcastic remarks are funny too.There is also a part where a nest with birdies is set alight by a natural occurence that would have any child in his/hers right mind in tears. (I didn't cry, which only proves my statement).But, even though it is zany at some points, it is still informative. It's a documentary, after all. Buy it and see it. If you dont like it then there is something wrong with you!
