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The Video Dead

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The Video Dead (1987)

November. 06,1987
| Fantasy Horror Comedy
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On a quiet, tree-lined street, an old television set receives a single channel that repeats the same horror film over and over, freeing zombies from the grave to kill.


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The film may be flawed, but its message is not.


"The Video Dead" its a very original zombie movie, just when I thought the zombie genre couldn't offer much new to me, I watch this and it amazes me. Too bad it didn't come out in theaters in its original release (but I suppose that being a direct to video movie makes more sense), this movie should have gotten more attention, thank god it became a cult movie over the years.I was somewhat hesitant about watching this, I was expecting something along the lines of "Burial Ground" or "Zombie Holocaust" (and I think those movies are charming in their own way), however, it was better than a cheap Italian zombie flick, don't get me wrong, it was cheap and it had some dull and silly moments but it was mostly a fun time.Overall, a really entertaining movie, it has some good elements and its quite interesting. I think I would have find it a little bit scary if I would have seen this as a child, mainly because of the concept and the ending (endings like that always made me feel uncomfortable and I suppose that's the intention).


The Video Dead is a film I remember from childhood. It used to scare me but re watching it again I can appreciate the comedy of it all. The zombies in the film are all well done and look particularly gruesome and are almost developed characters. The death scenes are pretty awesome too though the long drawn - out scene of a Filipino maid being strangled to death is quite ridiculous. Even when she drives an iron into the head of the zombie strangler and STILL manages to get herself choked to death is hilarious. However there is a great chainsaw death and some other great gory scenes that will stick with you for a while.All in all a pretty cool movie but if you're a fan of classic zombies like Night of the Living Dead you may not be entertained. 6/10


The acting is abysmal, to the point of unintentional hilarity. The way the male protagonist tried to run away from the female zombie near the end of the film is worthy of its own specialized drinking game. The film was clearly made on a micro-budget, although the settings and the zombie makeup were, for the most part, pretty solid. The rest of the special effects, especially ones involving death scenes, were pretty bad. I believe there were five major zombies depicted in the film, and one of the main male zombies was clearly depicted by a different actor in his first appearance than in the end.Still, if you're a zombie movie junkie, there are some redeeming qualities. While the first act and the denouement are both totally predictable, everything that happened in between was a total surprise to me. That's what happens when you make a movie where zombies kill people by choking them, and they die from taking arrows to the torso. There are even a couple of twists that will make you question your genre savvy. So, don't be afraid to give it a try.Overall rating: 6 out of 10.


A crate is delivered to a house in the woods. The homeowner unwisely accepts the delivery, only to discover it contains a TV set that starts spewing zombies all over the place. When a new family moves into the now-abandoned house, the son discovers the haunted television and is soon told what he needs to do to send the zombies back where they belong. Knowing and doing, however, are two very different things, and the zombies are not likely to go quietly.......With a title like this, you should expect something a little cheesy, but with something about it.This film has nothing about it. Women caked in make up kissing teenage boys, is something I do not want to see, especially when the woman gets killed by some weird sweaty 'hero' once she goes back tot the TV.I understand that the film was shot mostly on weekends, but really, does it really have to have such bad acting and really poor effects?Plot is really non existent, and come the end, you want to destroy your TV, let alone watch a film about people warning an annoying group of people about TV.I'm sure somewhere in the film, it's a metaphoric way of telling people not to watch too much TV.It's worked for me, I'll never subject my eyes to this again.
