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The Curse of the Komodo

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The Curse of the Komodo (2004)

April. 09,2004
| Horror Science Fiction
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Genetically-engineered Komodo dragons have become ginormous creatures hunting people on a remote tropical island. A small group of scientists must stop the dragons before they escape the island and destroy the rest of the world.


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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


Diplodocus-sized Komodo dragons stalk the inhabitants of a small island off Hawaii, the result of a Defence experiment gone awry. When the local team of scientists are mysteriously joined by a band of fugitives of a fatal casino heist, the two groups must co-operate to survive whilst the mainland Defence department organises a deadly napalm mission to neutralise the situation, and cover all the tracks.Something of a sequel to "Komodo" though baring no relation to the predecessor, both in terms of production quality or storyline (not to suggest that the original was a memorable debut for the killer Komodo theme). The cast is fairly obscure for talent, but there's an over-abundance of cleavage if that's your tonic; Melissa Brasselle and Glori-Anne Gilbert's characters are a buxom if brain-dead duo, with whom even buffed-up muscle-man Paul Logan's pecks can't compete. Ex British playmate, Gail Harris supplies the scientific credentials vis-à-vis a British accent, but despite her flamboyant background, stays fully clothed throughout. Only Arthur Roberts and George 'Buck' Flower offer a link (albeit a tenuous one) to mainstream cinema with frivolous bit parts.Aside from the scarcity of recognisable personnel on screen, there also seems to have been a strike in the special effects department, where more effort was paid in the creation of a ridiculous zombie tangent, where contact with the Komodo's drool causes a septicaemia akin to the behaviour of one of Lucio Fulci's zombie flesh-eaters. The predators rarely look convincing, and despite churning the ammunition, there are only a couple of beasts with which to contend. And yet it still takes 84 minutes to end the carnage that is the film "Curse of the Komodo".


Okay, okay...so Ray Harryhausen isn't dead. This movie might drive him to commit suicide and then roll in his grave.Not that the monster effects are terrible for a low budget picture. They're passable in a "this would make an interesting video game" way. As previously mentioned, the game would have to constitute nothing more than the giant Komodo jumping out, having hundreds of rounds fired into its belly, then lumbering off for no reason.The stars of this movie are not the Komodos, anyway. They're the breasts of the female stars. At least, this is what one has to assume, as they're flaunted at every opportunity, despite being "hidden" by the barest of coverings. I saw this picture on the Sci Fi Channel, so I have no awareness how much T and A might have been cut out (this being a JW film and all). Regardless, it was obvious that this was intended to be the draw. The girls - there are three interchangeable blonds - don't have much to do but huddle together. It's almost as if the director told them: "The Komodo is coming, so huddle on this couch." "The Komodo is coming, so huddle by this tree." It goes on and on, with the tallest of the bunch going bra-less in a tank top, bouncing each time they have to run from one huddling location to another.And the guys? Most of them looked like they escaped from a GQ shoot. You know the types. Minor stubble to denote the "rugged outdoors-man" stereotype. Tank top on the "muscular hero" stereotype.It was almost comic enough to be enjoyable. But not quite.


Memorable in this film:the same scene of the party walking though the savannah pasted into a variety of different scenic backgroundseveryone who repents of their past mistakes and plans to do things better in future gets eatenthe same Komodo seems to vary in size from scene to scenecompletely gratuitous topless sceneIncidentally, Komodos are not the world's most dangerous reptiles (crocodiles and snakes are much more dangerous, and they don't walk on their hind legs like T. rex.


this may or may not include things considered to be spoilers so i'm warning you just in case. OK. it's a bad, cheap movie. it probably counts as a knock off of everything ever, including a nice nod to jurassic park's giant electrical fence. cause how better to contain large lizards but with a giant charged fence. but. it's hilarious. it has a casino heist, military intrigue, monsters, crazed scientists, zombies, boobies... it's a great movie if you're into b-films. bad writing, bad acting, cheap effects, lame jokes... but my is it complex and snazzy. clearly, the crew is trying to move from more adult films to a reasonably ordinary market with this film. i think it's a good crossover into evil dead territory. completely different subject matter but equally campy and fun. watch this in a marathon with cannibal women of the avocado jungle of death.
