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The Way of War

The Way of War (2009)

February. 20,2009
| Action Thriller

Paramilitary operative David Wolfe stumbles upon an international conspiracy connecting presidential cabinet members to a Middle Eastern terrorist plot. Wanting to expose the truth, Wolfe defies orders and returns to the US as an army of one fighting for American security and integrity


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Why so much hype?


I wanted to but couldn't!


Admirable film.

Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


This is some of the worst directing, editing, script writing and acting I have ever seen. What ever they spent making this travesty should have instead been thrown in a fire. Watching the money burn would have been more interesting than this pile of manure. How in the world did they get the caliber of actors to agree to this horrible mess? I only finished watching out of disbelief that a movie could be so unbelievably horrible. There are to many atrocities to the art of film making to point out each and every foul moment in this garbage fest. Cuba please have more respect for yourself in the future. There has to be better scripts and people to work with than the buffoons that backed this nightmare. Please please please make sure to never let this happen again. This movie makes me want to break my DVD player into a million pieces! If you are reading this beware of this movie! It is bad for your eyes, ears and mental health! Do not watch this terrible mistake in movie making history!


The "action scenes" are stupid, boring, obnoxiously unrealistic. Any real soldier would laugh them to scorn. Clearly no one involved in the movie had any understanding of urban tactics and procedure.This movie's half-hearted attempts at appearing "deep" come off as pretentious, pseudo-intellectual drivel.The romantic interest is poorly developed, and there is really nothing sexy about this film.This is simply the worst movie I have seen in years. The plot is scant, incoherent, truly stupid. The promise of cool action is just a lie.In short: plodding, boring, unsatisfying. I want my time back!


If an infinite (minus one) number of monkeys with an infinite (minus one) number of typewriters were given an infinite (minus one minute) timetable, and if the monkeys had been inbred specifically to produce decidedly sub-par intelligence, they would come up with this masturbatory, pretentious, pseudo-intellectual abomination.If a technologically advanced, pacifistic race of aliens' first exposure to the human race was this film, they would immediately drop their peaceful trappings and send a punitive expedition to exterminate us all to a man.John Carter appears to be (one of many) of the belief that the general public views as brilliant that which is incomprehensible.The core—the rotten, stinking core—of this movie's problem is just plain bad writing. Every other formal element, from cinematography to acting, no matter how brilliant, cannot but fail on account of this foundation.I mean... I'm angry. Livid. Not only for the hour and a half wasted in watching this partial (yet, strangely, not partial enough) abortion, but for the black blot it has placed upon human culture at large. This movie makes me feel ashamed to even be the same species as the writer.Just. Plain. Bad. Writing. Bad.


I rented this film from a Redbox mainly because I like Cuba Gooding Jr. I must admit that this is the first film since Howard the Duck many years ago that I didn't finish. I left after about 45 minutes as I found it way too slow, uninvolved, poorly edited, terribly written and boring. It is one of the worst movies I've ever seen and unless it got substantially better, I wholeheartedly recommend against this movie, even if you are a fan of the lead actor. IIt wasn't just bad...it was horrible. I even have made bets that my fellow movie-loving friends wont be able to sit through it. Maybe on another day when I want to punish myself Ill rent it again...just to have a feeling of my tolerance level. Avoid!
