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NYC: Tornado Terror

NYC: Tornado Terror (2008)

October. 04,2008
| Drama Action Thriller Science Fiction

An unexplained, local split in the atmosphere causes a series of total unpredictable, yet devastating tornadoes. Rookie fireman Brian Flynn gets trapped in the underground sewage with his girlfriend, deputy mayor James 'Jim' Lawrence and climatologist Dr. Cassie Lawrence's niece Lori. Mayor Leonardo of New York initially refuses to pay proper attention to the phenomenon, a 'reelection threat', so the alert status remains too low for long. Atypical lightning discovered inside tornadoes adds unprecedented dangers. The Lawrences and aeronautics renegade Dr. Lars Liggenhorn conceive a possible solution by launching rockets, but NASA's Dr. Quinn overrules them, imposing standard silver iodine.


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I wanted to but couldn't!


Best movie ever!


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

Michael Alleyne

I genuinely thought this film was a comedy/parody! I had to look it up on IMDb to find out for sure!This is one seriously funny film (for all the wrong reasons!) It should be shown to all would-be film makers on the first day of class so they know NOT what to do!The script is terrible and is only made worse by what I can only describe as the kind of acting I expected when I had to endure my kid's school plays! And just when you think it can't get any worse, on comes the Weather Reporter! Never have you wanted an innocent bystander to die more!Two 'must see' parts of the film – 1) Cassie approaches a victim and asks what happened. She (shaking and shivering) points up at the sky and 2) the part which I'm going to title 'When the dogs disappear'! I wish I could list all the examples. But I'm afraid they would take longer to read than watching the film itself. This is the kind of film they should show to homeless people just so they know their life could be so much worse (they could have their name in the credits of this movie!)


So I'm usually up for watching a good action flick. But this one just kills. Literally if the acting wasn't bad enough the burning of my eyes from the crappy special effects should be a good idea how bad this movie was. I know that I am never going to get back that 3 hours of my life. The red spot when you saw it as one person commented really did remind me of something you would see on Star trek the original series. I would not be recommending this movie to anyone. Yet another Canadian movie that for some reason they can't have it happen in a Canadian city always has to be the good old USA that has to save the day give me a break. No offense meant.


Some of these actors are rather well-known, so I was quite surprised that this movie still managed to suck so badly.Writing: sucked. Acting: meh. Story: meh. Effects: royally sucked. Physics: total b.s. Believability: really sucked (even for science fiction).Having already gone through this at Intuitor's Bad Movie Physics site with "The Day After Tomorrow", it's already been proved that these weather phenomena cannot occur. Yes, I grant that this is sci-fi, but still... it's crap.Let me sum this up for you: Oh my God, the weather is going bonkers and threatening to kill us all. The scientists have all the answers but no power or money. The bureaucrats have all the power, connections, and money but don't believe the scientists. Toss in a few lovey-dovey relationships, some untimely deaths, enough scientific facts to fool the kiddos... and you've got yourself another destructo-movie.It's dull and a waste of time unless you're cooking, cleaning, or doing some other activity that requires mindless background noise (which is sort of the Sci-Fi Original Viewing Rule I think...) I am giving this 4 because it's actually a bit more watchable than most of their drivel.


Possibly (one of) the worst TV films ever.A huge atmospheric problem centred over the US, as usual, has a grudge against New York and its inhabitants. Apparently global warming is here to bite Americans in the ass.Besides the annoying TV newslady commentating throughout the movie, far harder to watch is the very crappy special fx. The acting is cringeworthy, but this isn't to say that the actors can't act. Well, they can't in this one, but I think that has more to do with the ridiculous dialogue and poor directing.Actually, this movie has really got me bored. I may have finished watching it, but I couldn't bother to carry on writing about it. DON'T BOTHER WITH THIS ONE!!!
