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First Born

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First Born (2007)

March. 20,2007
| Drama Horror Thriller
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Laura's expecting. Her husband, Steven's a loving guy but has little time for her. Her mom lives thousands of miles away. Forced to give up on her dreams, she's always been a bit edgy. A C-section drives her over the edge, making her see things in a different light. A creepy babysitter doesn't make things any better. She begins seeing things, trusts no one, as she goes into self-destruct mode.


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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Memorable, crazy movie


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


Really liked the hallucination(?) scene where she thought someone had broken into the house. Was she seeing herself in the immediate future or what? Realistically, how alone could she have been? House that big, someone has to care for it. A new mother after a C-Section with a rich husband cannot do the dusting, vacuuming and scrubbing bathrooms, etc. Gosh, a whole cleaning team would need to come at least once a week. And what about the landscapers? Water delivery guy? No UPS, Fed-Ex ever? Even in the country, there are nosy neighbors, in fact even more so. I wish I COULD be that alone.I had a C-Section, and one does feel lousy for a long time. My mother didn't come out either; she had other things to do. So that part is believable.After seeing the movie and thinking about it a little, the disappointment of the witch/curse angle not being resolved has eased. That may have been a device to increase her paranoia, self induced as it may be.On the other hand, who is Jenny, why a Jenny?But loved that break-in scene. Kinda Momento time sequence like.


It was totally terrible; however, nothing seemed resolved. They introduced us to a hex bag placement by the babysitter. The odd realization that the girl that previously lived there wasn't where they said she was. The white mice, the crying baby doll. Why was the doll at her house to begin with? Did she bring it home from the subway? I just wanted it all to play out in the end all the missing pieces of the laid out puzzle. I saw her hurting her baby, from the beginning. A lot of what people have said makes sense to some parts but not on all the parts.I would have liked to see why things unraveled for her after she moved into that house. Did something tragic happen in the house that forced the family to move? The previous owners seemed very insistent on selling it at below cost.It's worth watching but don't expect a Hollywood ending or an ending to answer all of your curiosities. The ended was flat and expected.


Seeing the very poor rating this movie has on this site one might think this is just a piece of crap movie, just another straight to DVD filler that will never be remembered after its release, if it will ever be. You couldn't be more wrong. I think the poor notes most people give has only to do with the very uncomfortable subject of the movie, especially the infanticide aspect of it. You can even see that people say they like the movie only to be put down with the ending. surely people wanted a typical Hollywood ending where all family lived happy ever after. Even I, who really liked this picture, was left a bit shocked with the outcome; I wouldn't put a mother killing her child as a fairytale ending. Elizabeth Shue gives a brilliant performance as a postpartum depressed woman who becomes utterly psychotic. Steven Mackintosh should also be credited for his portrayal of a husband who doesn't know what to do, which would be the case of 99% of man. Great movie but not, in any shape or form,a feel good movie of the year. Come to think of it, if your wife or husband wants to have a baby, show them this film.


There seems to be some confusion over this movie. It should be, as we see much of it through the eyes of a woman teetering on the edge of insanity.Some call it post-partum psychosis but she was hearing voices and 'recruiting' a baby doll long before she had the baby herself.She did not want this baby. It took attention away from her and considering she was nuts anyway ( discussing her dark thoughts only within a diary ) she was hearing crying even when there wasn't any. She made several subconscious attempts to get rid of the baby ( leaving it in the car, leaving a knife in the crib, putting a 'curse' on it, etc ) before finally finishing the job. She 'subconsciously' killed her dog, too.The old woman who was hired to help, recognized the 'curse' attempt being made on the baby and tied something to reverse it, under her crib. Earlier in the movie, a street person spit on the restaurant window she was in, as if she sensed she was evil too.I think what threw a lot of people off was the showing of the main character buying a book on curses at the end of the movie, when in reality, she likely bought it at the beginning and brought in the mice herself and everything else to carry out the 'curse'.It had to give you chills when the baby's name was FINALLY mentioned at the end ( after she got rid of it ) and we realize then that she didn't even recognize the baby's name!! A weak male lead really hurt this movie. Its too bad they did not give Shue someone to work with.I would have cut the supermarket scenes. They were not necessary and the Editor blew it there.This is a pure Hitchcock-style move. I am sorry there were no explosions for those with IQs under 50, just a solid movie for people who had enough patience to see this one pays off!
