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The Horror Show

The Horror Show (1989)

April. 28,1989
| Fantasy Horror Thriller

Vowing revenge on the detective who apprehended him, serial killer "Meat Cleaver" Max Jenke returns from beyond the grave to launch a whole new reign of terror.


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Good start, but then it gets ruined


best movie i've ever seen.


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.


Driven detective Lucas McCarthy (a typically strong and intense performance by Lance Henriksen) succeeds in capturing vicious and notorious serial killer Max Jenke (robustly played with eye-rolling gonzo aplomb by Brion James). However, although Jenke gets fatally zapped on the electric chair, his malevolent spirit returns to torment McCarthy and his family.Director James Isaac does a sound job of crafting an entertaining ooga-booga creepy atmosphere complete with endearingly hokey false scares, relates the derivative, but still enjoyable story at a brisk pace, delivers a satisfying smattering of ghastly'n'grisly gore, and sprinkles in lots of no-holds-barred excessive profanity. The solid acting from the capable cast keeps this movie humming: Rita Taggert as Lucas's concerned wife Donna, Dedee Pfeiffer as perky daughter Bonnie, Aron Eisenberg as rebellious metalhead son Scott, Thom Bray as nerdy scientist Peter Campbell, and Matt Clark as ineffectual shrink Dr. Tower. Moreover, James has a whale of a grand time as Max Jenke: Whether he's appearing as a face on turkey or cracking tasteless jokes in a macabre parody of a telethon, James brings a rip-snorting hambone panache to his portrayal of Jenke that's a total wacky blast to watch. Lawrence Tierney pops up in a small role as a prison warden. Harry Manfredini's shuddery score hits the shivery spot. Mac Ahlberg's slick cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. A fun fright flick.

Phil Hubbs

Originally this wasn't anything to do with the 'House' horror franchise so I've read. It seems the same crew made this film but it was an independent horror flick, I'm not really sure why they gave it the title 'House III', confusing and odd state of affairs.Anyway this film doesn't revolve around a haunted house but mainly a serial killer in the form of Brion James. Horror/sci-fi legend Lance Henriksen is the cop who captures Jenke but when he gets electrocuted in the chair it seems to zap him into another dimension or reality where he can continue his killing ways much like Freddy Krueger.This film did in fact come out in the same year as Craven thriller 'Shocker' and the results are suspiciously the same I must say. It seems director Isaac may have borrowed a few elements from Craven's world for this film.The first 'House' film was a horror thriller with slight comedy, the second film was a horror comedy adventure, now this third film is a straight horror thriller. Its not terrifying or particularly original (as I have mentioned) but its not for the younger audience and does include some gore. The sequence where Jenke is executed is easily the most horrific moment with some vain popping effects that remind you of 'Scanners' and make you wince at the same time. There are some good body part moments also that are kind hokey but add to the atmosphere.The film is totally saved by James as the killer Jenke and Henriksen as the cop, if it wasn't for these two top actors the film would be pants. James hams it up hugely but does come across as menacing despite his annoying laugh, while Henriksen's lean greyhound like physic and face always seems to fit any role.This still feels like a TV movie of sorts for some reason, doesn't have that true film like quality if that makes any sense. Its not a bad film either, not scary despite more blood and gore than the previous films, but more towards plain silly with enjoyable moments. I guess one of the funniest things is seeing Henriksen giving his all (as he always does) despite being cast in such an average forgettable film. Its still solid stuff if your a horror fan.6/10


I got this when i was eleven, and being a kid who loved freddy, jason etc i was always on the look out for another similar villain to get my teeth into, and for me, max jenke delivered. Around the same time, horace pinker came into play with 'shocker', and although good in his own way, the movie became a little too silly with the jumping in and out of TV shows. The two movies were almost the same story, but in max there was a much more evil guy, almost made for brion james, and if it wasn't tied in with the 'house' films i believe it would have had more impact. Bottom line is, if you enjoyed 'shocker' i doubt very much this would disappoint.


This was James Isaac's first attempt to make a horror flick, he went further with Jason X (2001), Skinwalkers (2006) and Pig Hunt (2008). And he shows immediately that he knows his stuff. I found the way he used the lighting and his POV shots well done.The Horror Show was produced by Sean S. Cunningham and the score was done by Harry Manfredini and that rings a bell. The House saga and that's why it was sold as House 3. Even as it had nothing to do with the House franchise. But it was for me so far the best 'house' entry. It didn't had those stupid monsters, in fact, the effects were done by Kurtzman, Nicotero and Berger better known as KNB. So on that part it was also worth watching. The stunts were done by Kane Hodder. And just watch the acting list, Lance Henrikson (Alien,...) , Rita Taggart (Mulholland Drive,...), Brion James (Bladerunner,...).There's one shower scene were Dedee Pfeiffer (Bonnie) goes naked but there's not that much to see. Overall the effects used are worth watching like the execution and the turkey that comes alive. Of course they had to add the face in the stomach scene seen before in Nightmare On Elm Street (1984). Worth watching, it's a bit of a mixture of the flicks that came out around that era, it had a killer, a ghost, things coming alive so it's a flick for all buffs out there, but not a classic.
