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The Singles Ward

The Singles Ward (2002)

January. 30,2002
| Drama Comedy Romance Family

When Jonathan Jordan gets divorced he's thrust back into the world of being a single Mormon - a world who's ultimate goal is eternal marriage. Struggling to fit in, Jonathan decides to stop going to church only to be pursued by the members of the local singles ward who want to reactivate him. Nothing works until Jonathan falls for Cammie Giles, the ward activities director. Suddenly, going to church becomes much more appealing, But is he going for the right reasons?


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Good concept, poorly executed.


Fresh and Exciting


It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.


This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

Xander Seavy (RiffRaffMcKinley)

Yeah, that about sums it up. This movie was horrifying. Two minutes in I wanted to gouge my eyes out. This has been praised as an "innovative LDS comedy," but it's not even good for members of that church! I don't think any human being should be so victimized as to watch a movie of this low quality.First of all, you can tell that absolutely no effort whatsoever went into this movie. It seems as if the horribly drab, glib, trite plot was thrown together by two crazy weasels somehow imbued with the gift for coherent (at least semi-coherent) thought. Then, there's the acting, which is dismal from *everybody* involved. Even the cameos fail to liven anything up.And let's not forget the fact that our protagonist is a shallow jerk who we would like to believe can change, but that road is full of embarrassingly bad dialogue, appallingly hideous "gags," and a lot of Mormon "in-jokes" that anyone in their right mind, LDS or not, should consider purely *stupid*! This has to be one of the worst films I've ever seen!


When I first saw the beginning, and Jonathan (Will Swenson) talked to the camera, I thought, Oh good grief, here comes another Ferris Bueller.But it wasn't anything like Ferris. After his wife dumps him, Jon is back in the Single's Ward. He meets Cammie Giles, the Ward Activies chairperson, and at first, they don't like each other. But as they get to know each other, they spend more time going places, like meetings, activities, and the like. Danny Ainge even makes an appearance as a teacher. His words are really funny. He talks to his students, as if they were basketball players, and the audience doesn't know who he's talking to. Then we see: a bunch of 4 year-old's, staring at him, apparently not understanding a word he said.Several other well-known LDS people make appearances, like Steve Young and Shawn Bradley.This is one of the best LDS movies ever. Even if you're not Mormon, you'll enjoy it.My Score: 7/10.


This is a hilarious movie. Some comments that are posted refer to the movie as stereotyping...well, I guess in a way that is true, but I know people that are just like these characters in this movie. The disillusioned divorced guy, the borderline psycho chick, the day planner geek, the guy using gospel pick-up lines...etc. And really, in movies stereotyping is kinda difficult to avoid...we only get to know these people for an hour and a half. Mormon cinema is still new and poking fun at themselves is a novelty that will get old, but for now I am laughing. I thought the jokes and the characters were funny. This is fiction, but I think it is truth exaggerated.


If you're mormon I don't see how you can not get a kick out of this movie. If you're not mormon then I can totally understand why you would not because 90% of the gag are inside. Although I have met a few non-mormons who did enjoy the film. The acting could of been better but it is a low budget film, so you have to take it for what it is.
