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Polytechnique (2009)

February. 06,2009
| Drama Thriller Crime
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A dramatization of the Montreal Massacre of 1989 where several female engineering students were murdered by an unstable misogynist.


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Sorry, this movie sucks




It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.


A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.


Denis Villeneuve is a bystander who fails to show the real workings from behind the scenes and adheres firmly to political correctness to avoid an uproar by sexist feminist hate groups. Independent studies reveal that girls torment and abuse others in different ways that are not even recognized by the current laws. The lack of public awareness on abuses by girls, allow such atrocities to continue beyond reproach. When bullies pick on loners in schools, they pay the price when the loner gets a weapon and hurts those girls who tormented him. A gang of girl bullies cornered and killed an Indian girl not too long ago. The world gets to see inside the minds of those involved, and pick out who is responsible and what part of the process that led to such a tragedy. Polytechnique avoids all of that. In fact, it is just an exercise in panning the camera about and never digging into the facts that is expected from a movie. It never goes beyond the information already provided by the news media, and even tells us less than what we already know. There was nothing gained by shooting it in Black and White, other than to give an amateur false sense of newsworthy material. It never mentions the Disturbing Misandrist Quebec society that fosters extreme bigoted Feminist hate and discrimination via Affirmative Action. The misandry is systemic and is completely entrenched in the education system which leads to more sexist misandrist hate and discrimination against men.Marc was the victim of intense hate and discrimination because Misandrist hate is so ingrained in Quebec society that everyone, including young girls, think that it is acceptable to hate and abuse men because men do not have the political voice to cry out when they are victimized and oppressed. There is not a single men's shelter in Canada and men are not recognized as victims under the current gender-biased sexist Feminist laws. At some point when the misandry is just too much to bear, the abused man will lash out and strike out against the feminist abusers to defend himself. Marc's pain and suffering was not recognized, and his feminist abusers were not exposed so they will be free to continue their abuse and discrimination under the protection of the sexist feminist misandrist laws. 4 men were shot at Polytechnique, but their suffering have been erased because under an abusive sexist feminist regime, men are not allowed to be victims, but must be held responsible. Girls are given absolute rights but are not required to be held accountable. Only girls get to hold the Victim Card.No one is allowed to speak out against the misandrist feminist tyranny without being silenced under such an oppressive Marxist regime. Larry Summers made such a mistake by speaking out, and he was silenced. Now Harvard University falls victim to the Feminist Communist oppression. Warning, you will walk away with the feeling that the movie was heavily censored and was an amateur attempt to evoke emotions, without providing known explanations for the misandrist backlash because of intense fear of political subterfuge from Feminist hate groups. The Polytechnique event is revealing and exposes feminism for its militant hate policies, but the misandrist truth is far too disturbing for the public to fathom. 20 years later, the disturbing feminist misandrist rampage has spread to little boys in elementary school. Only 32% of university students this year are men. The circle of bigoted feminist misandrist hate and oppression against men is complete, and paves the way for the Marxist Communist New World Order.girlwriteswhat on youtube said it nicely, Feminism is the destroyer of worlds, and the dumbest people will promote Feminism.


Pure and simple, this film is a response to our societal violence against women. I'm surprised by some of the reviewers here particularly from diomavro, trying to belittle the events or claim exaggeration on the film's part. Yes, the film is a fictionalized account, but the actual events are nearly note-for-note the same. All one has to do is read the Wikipedia article, École Polytechnique Massacre. The killer was very clear in his intentions, and he in fact cornered a group of women and told them he hated feminists and hated them for pursuing careers in engineering. Yes, it did cause a "media scandal" precisely because this was a massacre based on misogyny. That is what happened, there is no "grey area" here. Villeneuve has honoured and represented this event faithfully and truthfully. The Polytechnique massacre was a shocking reminder to Canada that men and women are still not equal, and there are those who will fight a perceived loss of privilege to the death. To try and cover this up, and claim that the murders were about anything other than a hatred of women, is to spit on the victim's graves.


From the opening scene of students busy doing their copying in front of an array of copying machines, and the sudden disruption caused by a burst of gun fire, Polytechnique grabs the viewers by the collar and placed them right in the middle of this horrific event that took place in Montreal in 1989.The film claimed to be a fictionalized account of the massacre, in which 14 women were killed and many others were wounded, and I don't know to what extent it adheres to facts. But that does not matter. As far as story telling goes Denis Villeneuves did it with skill and without fanfare. B/W images, and a restraint use of dialogue and music add to the mood of this film, which is not an uplifting experience by its very nature. Acting was good by the several male and female leads. Editing was excellent.Overall, I look at this films as Canadian cinema at its best - despite the depressing nature of the subject matter.


I thought that this film really portrayed the story very well. If you have ever had to endure a Montreal winter, even for a few days, it was captured so beautifully. The lack of dialogue drove you to rely on your other senses. This film really made you think that this could actually happen here in Canada! I think all of the negative comments are just from some of our friends in the south who have been through many school shootings and are desensitized to it. You must member, 20 years ago, there was nothing like this happening anywhere in North America! let alone a higher education institution!The 20th anniversary is coming up, and I will be wearing a white ribbon. I know the man who runs this program and will be donating as well. Violence against women is still a very live reality in this world, and we should do everything we can to educate against it. Seeing this film is a great start for anyone.
