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Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever

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Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2009)

August. 21,2009
| Horror
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A high school prom faces a deadly threat: a flesh-eating virus that spreads via a popular brand of bottled water.


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Sadly Over-hyped


Nice effects though.


Good story, Not enough for a whole film


Don't Believe the Hype


Cabin Fever 2 (2009) ** 1/2 (out of 4)High school loser Paul (Rider Strong) ends up at the prom with a girl (Alexi Wasser) he has liked for ages but her jerk boyfriend isn't going to be the biggest trouble of the night. Nope, the polluted water from the first film has made its way into bottles, which are being drank around town so soon more people are falling victim to the deadly virus.Ti West directs this sequel to the Eli Roth movie and I must admit that I found it to be pretty entertaining. If you're looking for a deep character study or some heavy melodrama then it's best to not even bother with this film. If you want a cheap movie with some rather outrageous gore and violence then CABIN FEVER 2 should keep you entertained.Again, if you're looking for anything other than gore it's best to stay away and I'd say this film crosses the line enough to where even some of the hardest horror fans might be looking away from the screen. The gore level is certainly over-the-top and a lot of it is sexual in nature and it was not only gross but very funny too. I'm not going to ruin these types of jokes but there are a couple moments where male and female parts are infected and it will certainly make you jump.The entire film has quite a bit of violence and gore, which will keep horror fans happy. I thought the story dealing with the two teens could have been written better to make it more interesting but we're at least given some good performances. With that said, CABIN FEVER 2 was made simply for the gore and there's plenty of it and plenty of sick humor, which makes it worth watching.

Adam Peters

(19%) Some horror movies set out and succeed in getting under one's skin, maybe even terrifying in the process, while others set their sights a little lower. This on the other hand drags its sorry bloody carcass across the floor while it vomits on itself and pees in its pants. This in all honesty barely qualifies as an actual horror flick because there's virtually no tension, very few shocks, and the only aim this has involve gross-out school boy larks. Even though it isn't one of the worst movies out there, actually it's not even that bad, but the only slightly memorable moments involve quite graphic scenes of bodily fluids, scabs, an arm getting sawn off, and a fat guy's weiner, all of which are easy and quite crass, all be it somewhat fun, use of shock tactics. The final reel set in a strip club is clumsily inserted to say the least, but as a half decent little sick flick this is an okay time passer.


There will be many who condemn Cabin Fever 2, and reject it to the shackles of B-movie apathy. And there will be a few who rejoice in this offbeat sequel's deliciousness and shenanigans. I am one of the latter. This horror-comedy is fun down to the last frame. They have the glum awkwardness, impulsive naivety and mixed up confusion of high school teenage angst down perfectly. And as for the semi-redneck cop? He's baaack. And, in case you didn't know, he's seen this kind of thing before (AKA Cabin Fever 1). There is a creative intelligence behind this movie, from the cartoon imbedded beginnings to the masterfully honed caricatures, to the straightforward, impeccable direction. Way better than Carrie (the new one), and supremely more funny. There have been a few Australian movies in the same vein, such as, "Who Loves Mandy Lane?" which is a bit of a sub-genre in the horror-comedy films--a kind of sadistic and gratuitous teenage eighties romp that is coming back round again. I loved cabin fever 2 because it is authentic, and does not pretend to be anything other than what it is, a campy regression into the heart of campy American cinema.


While attempting to sort out their own melodramas, a group of teens tries to fight for their safety after a batch of water contaminated with a flesh-eating virus is accidentally delivered to their prom and starts to violently attack the party-goers.While this one's a little bit better than the original, that's not really saying much since both aren't really all that great. One of the biggest problems here is the fact that this one focuses way too much on teen drama and the social status of the group rather than the horror and there's not a whole lot of interest here in how this plays out. How the gang's issues are brought up, from the long-pined for romantic partner dating his sworn nemesis, the completely bland and annoying whining of the best friend over not having a date and what her friends are doing to get ready for the event itself as far as preparations go and how they're going to get through the evening without a fault, and none of it does anything to brighten up the pace as this just gets old rather quickly. These are so based on the typical clichés found in these films as well that there's a decided lack of interest here as well from this overly-familiar series of scenes as well as the fact that there's just way too much blandness about this section to make much of them. There's also the fact that the storyline required to get the virus there is just sloppy, as frankly far too much of the film feels like it's a coincidence merely to present its story that eventually, it all just gets tiresome trying to accept such gross stupidity and contrivance to make its point. This asks way too much to happen for this type of scenario to be plausible, and it finally starts getting too much for itself to handle in terms of getting the virus into the school for this to play out here. Add onto that the wrap-around with the animation is pretty lame and doesn't really do much to the film at all which lowers this enough over the few positive points. While there's a lot to like even here, this one could've been decent as its way bloodier than expected here as this one has some really great sequences here as the last half with the infected bleeding buckets around the school while they try to stay uninfected make for some good, and surprisingly suspenseful, times as there's a series of great chases around the hallways and into the different rooms of the school. The brutality of the shop-class encounter is a notable highlight as they try to deal with their attacker in a great brawl while again trying to keep those infected away from contaminating him, while the sheer fun of keeping the few stragglers loose in the hallways from getting into the library is another rather fun and enjoyable scene. The last big plus found here is that big, infected mess found in the prom sequence and the resulting cut-backs to show the aftermath of everything and how the following special forces handle it results in some great bloody times and becomes the highlight quite easily. These here give this one some great stuff here, but it's too flawed to be anything else.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
