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Sherlock: The Abominable Bride

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (2016)

January. 05,2016
| Drama Crime Mystery TV Movie

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson find themselves in 1890s London in this holiday special.


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I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

Smoreni Zmaj

Christmas special brings something different than previous "episodes" we are used to. I liked the idea and movie had all predispositions to be the best "episode" so far, but unfortunately, it isn't. I can not point my finger exactly and say "Look, that's what spoiled it all," but something's off. I think the best explanation would be to say that in this "episode" everything is too much. Everything is on right path, but it goes too far, and even the best things in life lose their charms when they're overdone.7/10


This franchise has had a season and a bit to falter and fail to retrieve any of the promise of the first two seasons. To answer the question; where can we go with these characters? Gatiss, Moffet and co have come up with the answer; down the same old avenues but this time in clown shoes. Every character except the title character have become ridiculous caricatures of their former selves. How many times must ubber-earnest Dr. Watson profess his man-love through misty eyes and missed breaths? How often must Mycroft deny his man-love and brotherly concern? How did anyone think giving Mycroft Holmes the Kranks treatment or giving Molly Hooper a bad case of pantomime transvestitism was anything short of a death knell for a show which is very much rudderless in high seas? The best thing that ever happened in this series was the again pantomime baddie Moriarty shutting his own gaping face hole with a bullet. How short on ideas must you be to be forced to resurrect your most gratuitous over-actor to puff out a ver thin and inconsequential mystery. (Bobby Euing in the shower post-mortem.) It is absolutely certain that this initial gush of support for this installment comes from those who were told to expect clever and don't have the wit or courage to recognize that they didn't get it. This bandwagon support will soon be superseded by laments for the promise that was once apparent, but in the hands of this team was not realizable. "Look he just survived the Reichenbach Fall..deal with it." This is not cute or an inside joke, and has shown nothing but incompetence from the writers. Anyone can write a protagonist onto a ledge, miracling them down again is the price you pay. Cheats! Looking at Gatiss's credentials based on cooky spooky comedy, and seeing now that he has nowhere further to go with these characters except up in flames, he should do himself and everybody else a favor and stop. He makes fiction for teens and his ideas are restricted by his life's work. Just as he could not convincingly resurrect Sherlock in series three he has already, with a sad admission coped out of his promise at the end of the same season to resurrect his over-camp version of Moriarty. Very obviously to all that the writers had not the first clue how to do either and whats worse weren't going to try. Don't believe the ratings..blind fan support and watching in disbelief will be shown for what they are when the dust settles or in this case the ash. A good start achieves little that a bad ending won't blot out.

Umang Jain

As we know ,the Moriarty was back as shown in last episode. This episode seems a little different in beginning,where Watson met again with Sherlock. But as the play proceeds it relates to the continuation of the previous episodes shown and its a kind of ecstasy to me .It was really awesome.Late we recognize that almost all the episode was a part of experiment in great Sherlock's Mind palace, to light out the shadow of how Moriarty was bought back with a dialogue "Miss me ?"(yeah it smirked). Sherlock relates the same to a very old case of "the Abominable bride" to assess what actually had happened.....Continuing to the episodes we were watching sherlock was descended from the aircraft with a dialogue by My-croft :"London needs you. Moriarty is back" sherlock was struggling on his own to get out of his own narrative mind palace.


Nice try to set the atmosphere in victorian London, but overall this episodes lacks it all.....a good plot a solid story They just made a mess of it .. nice try but please forget this episode quickly ...its a shame as the standards of all the previous episodes were pretty high ( 9 out of ten i rated that...this one is a 5 and mainly for the effort and the victorian settings) Spoileralert; The fact that sherlock is in a high and actually relives the story set in victorian London doesn't it buy it for the viewer...it is just confusing and unsatisfactory In my opinion it would have been better to stick in the current time line as to go back in Victorian time and use sherlocks addiction to drugs to have him hallucinate the story of sherlock holmes in the victorian age( maybe his former life?sorry but many people doesn't believe in reincarnation)
