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Y2K (1999)

July. 01,1999
| Action Thriller

On the eve of the new millennium, a nervous military leader assembles a team to help him deal with an unforeseen problem, as they are being alerted of a long missing nuclear missile hidden somewhere deep in the jungle which is set to go off in January 2000, due to the millennium bug! It's up to them to race against time to stop it before it is too late and they are doomed!


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Purely Joyful Movie!


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

Kamila Bell

This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


Louis Gossett, Jr., Jamiz Woolvett, Ed O'Ross. People must stop a computer from launching nuclear bombs.This is like an odd blend of War Games and Navy Seals, though it works! The performances contributed here are all above par for a movie of this type. One does not typically expect realism from these American GI movies, as most often than not, the budget goes towards effects, high dollar action stars, and location shooting than script, props, or good performances. So imagine my surprise when I came across this little underdog.Awesome action, with a little humor peppered throughout, and some awesome acts, this actioner walks you through some very suspenseful moments, high action sequences, and beautiful settings.All in all? It is an enjoyable surprise if you like the military-type actioners. Otherwise, there is no reason to go here, as it's all about military action.It rates a 7.1/10 from...the Fiend :.


Normally, when a film rates this low, I find other things to like about it. Namely, its silliness. To say I didn't laugh throughout this film would be a lie. This movie provides a great many laughs. Its just. . . well, this is not supposed to be a comedy.Even so, I enjoyed other awful attempts at seriousness. Examples include Disney's, "Epcot: The Celebration," and Ed Wood's "Plan 9 From Outer Space." The difference with "Y2K" is that they are exploiting real fears. Similar to "Reds," the subject matter is deadly serious. "Reds" ranked a one in my book by candy coating a serious subject, in a ridiculous movie formula. The same goes for "Y2K." The only thing these films have in common besides their poor rating, is the fact that they highlight fiction. On the one hand the fiction of the great communist movement, and on the other the fiction of the great threat to our times, the year 2000 computer problem. Give me a break on both fronts.


Why they called this movie Y2K is beyond me! What starts out as promising loses a lot as the movie winds on. The plot and the acting is slightly second rate and I found that by the end the countdown did not engage the viewer. Tying the plot to a Columbian drug lord at the end was just too much. Passable.


Y2K has squandered a perfect opportunity to make a good, tense action movie. When a powerful missile activates itself on a countdown for the millenium, the usual rag-tag team are sent to de-activate it. The trailer for this movie looked good, but in the actual film there is hardly any action or violence as expected and the story plods along without creating anything interesting in the dull boring characters. Overall the film is poor and boring. 3/10.
