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Untrapped: The Story of Lil Baby
Through years of never-before-seen footage, director Karam Gill follows Lil Baby’s transformational journey from local Atlanta hustler to becoming one of hip-hop’s biggest stars and pop culture's most important voices for change.
AGE OF RAGE - The Australian Punk Revolution
When the first wave of punk broke Australian shores in the 1970’s it was met with a fierce embrace that still reverberates. Adopted and adapted with fearsome intensity by disenfranchised, pre-globalisation Australian kids against the isolation and cultural vacuity of mainstream Australia, punk was a DIY counterculture - a profound, lived, visceral critique of late 20th century capitalism. Australian punk chose values and agendas that for many have become lifelong.
Sender Barayon. A trip into the light
The story of the pioneering electronic composer Ramón Sender Barayón. From his escape from the Spanish Civil War to the California of psychedelia, hippies and counterculture.
The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge
Sandi Toksvig presents a brand-new competition series that puts the miniature making skills of 10 amateur crafters from across Britain to the test. Over eight episodes, the crafters must transform a derelict mini mansion into the ultimate fantasy house.
Elizabeth: A Life Through the Lens
Queen Elizabeth II was the most photographed person ever to have lived. Elizabeth: A Life Through the Lens explores her relationship with the camera, using rarely seen film and photographs to chart how her image changed through seven decades. The film is structured chronologically: the private princess who was never meant to be Queen until fate intervened; ascending to the throne in the first ever televised coronation; being snapped on relentless tours of the commonwealth; and, finally, adapting to the demands of a global audience in the age of mass media. Told through interviews with key royal commentators and historians, Elizabeth: A Life Through the Lens offers new insights. It is a different type of obituary of this most incredible, and adored, global figure.
The Silent Woman - Fisher Center at Bard
The plot is almost identical to Donizetti’s Don Pasquale except that the “old man” is not a fool here and his relationship with his nephew, Henry, is loving. It is more human and tender but still has bite. All the old man, Sir Morosus, wants is silence. Richard Strauss' Die schweigsame Frau was first presented in 1935; Hitler and Goebbels refused to attend because Stefan Zweig, the librettist, was a Jew and Strauss refused to remove his name from the program after the Nazis had insisted it be excised. It was a great success but was withdrawn for just that political reason after only three performances. Presented here is the complete, with some minor tweeks, uncensored version.
16 Ways to Change the World
The Almanac of the Laboratory of Scientific Cinema. 16 directors selected the most interesting scientific developments and research at Skoltech and created 16 short films.
Philae, the Last Temples of Ancient Egypt
Baptized "the pearl of the Nile", this sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Isis is the masterful work of the last pharaohs of Egypt and the Roman emperors who succeeded them. Sacred land, Philae has continued to develop. Over nearly seven centuries, it has acquired remarkable buildings whose imposing architecture is an offering to the gods of the Nile, as well as a symbol of authority for the pharaohs who reigned over the region. Adorned with the gods and pharaohs who venerated them, the temples of Philae transport us to the last hours of Ancient Egypt.
The Iron Coffin of Western Xia
The King of Western Xia has a precious garment called "Bi Lu", which is said to be able to help mortals to ascend to immortality. The emperor is furious and orders Song Ci to find out the truth, whether it is the Western Xia that has the intention to rebel or whether it is really the treasure clothes that hook the soul.
The Piccadilly Rats: Live in Moderation
Portrait of legendary Mancunian busking troupe