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Search results for Doctor Sleep

Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death
The TARDIS lands in a space museum on Earth in the late 21st century, where the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe learn that contact has been lost between Earth and the Moon. In this era, instant travel — T-Mat — has revolutionised the Earth. Its people have lost interest in space travel. The Doctor and his companions travel to the Moon in an old-style rocket and reach the Moonbase, control centre for T-Mat, only to find a squad of Ice Warriors have commandeered the base and plan to use the T-Mat network to their advantage.
Doctor Who: Fury from the Deep
When the TARDIS lands in the sea off the eastern coast of England, the Second Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria investigate a nearby beach, which seems to have an improbably large amount of sea foam as well as a major gas pipe marked “Euro Sea Gas” What is really happening at "Euro Sea Gas." Can the Second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria survive "The Fury from the Deep"!
Doctor Who: The Tomb of the Cybermen
Aided by his two assistants Jamie and Victoria, the Doctor lands the TARDIS on Telos, last resting place of the infamous Cybermen. There he discovers a band of archaelogists on a secret expedition to unearth the reason for his old enemies' extinction. In the underground shadowy depths, they find the icy tomb. A whole army in hibernation. A threat to no one, if the temperature remains low. But if the traitor in their midst gets his way, things could really heat up.
Doctor Who: The Daleks' Master Plan
In the year 4000, the Daleks conspire to conquer the Solar System. Their scheme involves treachery at the highest levels and a weapon capable of destroying the very fabric of time. Only the Doctor and his friends can prevent catastrophe — and there is no guarantee they will escape with their lives...
The Fabulous World of Doctor Cadéot
In Gascony, a sparsely populated region in the southwest of France, lives Dr. Jean Cadéot, a ninety-year-old veterinarian who continues to work tirelessly and still enjoys doing so. Although his eyesight is getting worse and worse, he treats his animal patients with all his senses and all his love.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils
The Doctor, Yaz, and Dan land in 19th century China, where a small coastal village is under threat – from both the fearsome pirate queen Madame Ching and a monstrous alien force which she unwittingly unleashes. Will the Doctor, Yaz and Dan emerge from this swashbuckling battle with the Sea Devils to save the planet?
Doctor Who: Eve of the Daleks
Sarah owns and runs ELF storage, and Nick is a customer who visits his unit every year on New Year’s Eve. This year, however, their night turns out to be a little different than planned as they find themselves joining forces with the Doctor, Dan and Yaz in a fight against the Daleks.