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300 Killers

300 Killers (2011)

January. 18,2011
| Action Thriller

Violent crime has risen five hundred percent. One in ten people are hooked on heroin. One in five people will be assaulted or murdered, and over twenty five percent of the police force is dead or missing. For police chief Ernie Lomax (Johnny Andrews), one thing is dreadfully clear. . . There's a new pusher in town Someone so vicious, so savagely depraved, that bringing him down could launch the biggest bloodbath yet. When detective Frank McGuffin (Anthony Tomei) disappears undercover, his girlfriend, Vicki Stanton (Tierra Peterson) teams up with chief Lomax on a suicide mission to end these brutal crimes.


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Let's be realistic.


A waste of 90 minutes of my life


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


Yep, it was bad. Bad acting, bad dialog, bad filming, bad audio, bad settings.And yet,I kept watching (Even though I got interrupted TWICE), out of curiosity, mostly, in the plot, I believe. (Yeah, plot was formulated... but could they pull it off?) A Powerful concept was delivered. So, it COULD have been a good movie. (But was making a theatrical-level movie really the point?) I was quite surprised at the ending, and pleasantly so. Not at the VERY ending, mind you, but at that little "lesson" - the moral of the story - the message, that advice to the novice, that is delivered just before the finale. And it wasn't from Chief Lomax. And Drugs is not THE bad thing... it just represents all the bad things out there ready to take over your world, your life and your peace. I don't know if this is a spoiler alert, but -- Second Amendent Supporters will love it. Gun Control Lobbyists will hate it. Everyone should watch it. I'm going to make my family suffer though it. It's not a full 2-hour waste of time... it was just enough to get the story out. Good for them!

sammy shapiro

300 Killers may be the lowest budgeted film of all time. In that respect I would have to say that I found it very entertaining in that "guilty pleasures" sort of way. Yes, the acting is amateurish, but that can be said about many indie films. What makes it stand out so much in this film is that the photography and editing are so slick in a way, that the film feels somewhat like a "Hollywood Blockbuster". I do get the feeling the film was shot without a script, but such is often the case on tiny budgeted films like these. I got the feeling that the director sort of made things up daily based on what he had at his disposal. Matt Jaissle seems like a director to watch. I would be very interested to see what he comes up with if he gets to work with more time and money. I especially recommend to aspiring filmmakers.


First, I preface this review with the admission that I love low budget films. That said this is the single worst film ever on so many levels that it is a must for film lovers. Acting - Horrendous, Sound - Atrocious, Script (if there was one)- Awful. Photography...OK I give it a 2. But I have shown this to many other film lovers and we all agree that it contains the single worst line of dialogue in a movie ever. It is so badly delivered and so pointless that it is truly embarrassing because it is obvious that it was not intended to be campy or sarcastic. It is uttered by Chief Lomax near the much wished for end to this tale. I won't spoil it...see if you agree. Enjoy if you can.


"300 Killers", released Midnight Releasing concerns an unspecified city in the pacific northwest that has been taken over by some diabolical "drug cult". Crime, murder, and drug use have all risen 500%. The police seem unable to deal with the problem. Therefore, our heroes have to take matters into there own hands. This film, while obviously very low-budget has a few minor production flaws, but overall, delivers quite a bit of action and splashy "gore" effects. I was impressed with the camera-work and editing. The acting suffers in a few scenes, but the performers seem generally enthusiastic about what they're doing. I thought the film did a pretty good job of creating a general tone of suspense and anarchy. From the director of "The Necro Files", and "Back from Hell".
