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Nude on the Moon

Nude on the Moon (1961)

January. 01,1961
| Fantasy Comedy Science Fiction

A rich rocket scientist organizes an expedition to the moon, which they discover is inhabited by nude women.


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Sorry, this movie sucks


So much average


Simply Perfect

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


Nude on the Moon (1961) * (out of 4)A couple scientists invent a rocket-ship and head off for the moon. Once there they love the fact that there are naked woman standing around everywhere.This Doris Wishman film, for some reason, has a minor cult following but I really wouldn't tell you why. Some people talk about the various changes or firsts that were done with this "nudist" picture but I guess they were watching something other than me. Yes, most nudist pictures in their Golden Era just had a camera wondering around and capturing whatever nudity they could. In my humble opinion, the "nudist" film has to be the worst sub-genre ever made and certainly has the most number of awful films.Perhaps I'm being too hard on nudist films because, after all, it wasn't as easy to see nude bodies as it was today but at the same time you'd think directors would come up with better ways of showing it. I mean, the stories to these films are just downright awful and the majority of the time we're just given the thinest of plots and a cheap reason to capture the nudity. This film does feature a wrap-around story with the scientist making the rocket and so on but it doesn't add anything to the film other than a longer running time.I will at least admit that the majority of the people naked here are good looking, which is a step up from some of the movies I've seen but outside of this there's no reason to watch NUDE TO THE MOON unless you're just trying to see everything Wishman did.

The Flukeman

Well... what can I say, the title gives it away, sort of. It's just a bunch of topless girls on the Moon (well actually, someone's backyard), and a duo of lousy and unprofessional astronauts who have enough money for rocket fuel yet cannot afford air-locked helmets. Oh and one of them falls "deeply in love" with the alien queen, though she never spoke to him. Maybe it was his first time seeing a topless woman.All in all, the only reason this movie was made is to show topless women in a time when such a thing was extremely rare in cinema. As such it is now outdated, and watched for camp value, or if you have a fetish for 60s women, but then again there are a lot better 60s sexploitation flicks out there.

JonaTan N

This movie has a great premise! Astronauts undertake on a mission to the moon. When they reach their destination, it appears to be overrun by dishy females in the nude. Setups for dramas of life and death, of love and betrayal... but no payoffs! The great disappointments of this gem of the sixties is that it forgets its story upon reaching the moon. Instead we see lots and lots of barely dressed girls having a good time. This plot-turn would be quite understandable if they were in fact nude, but compared to modern times, we see no more that one might hope for at a public beach. However the dialogues are amusing, and the production-design is unforgettable. "Nude on the Moon" leaves one with the hope for a modern remake (true to the title) that dares to challenge modern day Hollywood from its current puritan "make war not love" attitude and show the american youth that it is no bigger shame to flash their butts and on celuloid. Unfortunately: they dont make them like this anymore!


If you have to watch a dull 1960's nudie/topless movie I'd recommend "Orgy of the Dead" written by Ed D. Wood, Jr. anyday, anytime over this horrible flick. Both are pretty rotten, but "Nude on the Moon" doesn't have as much going for it. I lost track of how many times the opening theme song was played in this 70 minute movie. "Nude on the Moon" is nothing special.
