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Zombie Planet

Zombie Planet (2004)

October. 19,2004
| Horror Science Fiction

When a pharmaceutical company develops a new wonder drug, its customers turn into zombies. T. K. Kane, a mysterious outsider, arrives in a community terrorized by local warlord Adam. Kane protects the community and hunts down the zombies plaguing them.


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Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.


This movie was very good for an indie horror film. some excellent effects for the budget. The story was very well thought out and executed. sometimes a little slow for my taste but the story moved a long. Mr Farhat was an excellent actor for the part of loner hero type. My hats off to the cast and crew of this film. I enjoyed the fight scenes. Some of the zombie effects were outstanding and some not so good but for an indie horror film I've seen much worse. Good characterization for an indie horror film also. A movie where you care about the characters is a great effort in film making. I look forward to seeing part 2 for the rest of the story. Good luck in future endeavors.


I just wanted to let all of the readers on here know that Zombie Planet is a movie that is paving the way for independent horror films everywhere. The cast & crew did a wonderful job on portraying the story that The George Bonilla did so well writing. The zombie makeup was exceptional and the actors proved that Kentucky is ready for more films to be filmed in the area. I'm sure that Zombie Planet and future productions from ZP International will gain momentum in the film industry and the George Bonilla line of films will gain the acknowledgment that is deserved to them! Bonilla Rocks! Can't wait to see more from George and ZP International!


Set in the near future a dark stranger walks into some southern American city plagued by zombies. Settling with a group of friendly face inhabitants our stranger learns the harsh realities of city life. There are two groups of people; the upper classes who dwell safely behind the concrete walls of the city being provided by, at the right price, the state police. Then there are our friendly face inhabitants. These lower class folks live along side the zombies. There only means of survival is to trade goods, which they forage for during the day, with the police in exchange for tins of food. Our stranger discovers why his world is plague by zombies. A new dietary pill that suppressed the craving for carbohydrates was the foundation. The human race's desire to shed fat caused the down fall of society as we know it. These pills increased the desire for protein i.e. meat, even the pet poodle. However, there was one more grave side affect, after death people became reanimated with an even stronger craving for protein namely human flesh.With what I feel is an imaginative introduction I felt that this film many realise some inventive material. What better way could explain the cause of the zombie race than by a contemporary idea of people's desire to make any sacrifice to change their body without the hard work of the gym? However, the imagination of this film soon stopped after this exposition. This film falls into the old trap of 'I can not imagine what the world will be like when society collapses'. When you watch this film you do not escape to a different world as you do when you watch Planet of the Apes (original), Alien, Mad Max or Texas Chain Saw (original). In this film the alternate society is define by people with hair dyed orange and green. Face paint and charity shop leather jackets. There is no harshness about life in this alternate society, just healthy faces and over made-up zombies. Films should allow you to escape not remind you that you need to clear out your wardrobe and take your old cloths to the charity shop.Forget about some of the pitiful acting, or the over made-up zombies. This film fails because it is too polished, too congenial and too predictable. I have watch films like this since the early eighties. If you are going the make a film of this nature I suggest you need to watch again such films as Dawn of The Dead (original and remake), Threads or Fulci's Zombie to see and experience that feeling of desperation in a devastate society.


Come on everyone, this is a B movie. Of course the acting is well, eh!; but the story isn't that bad. The zombie effects were pretty cool for a low budget film. It's a little long but most B movies are too short and it was a nice change. It kept me interested most of the time. Hopefully the sequel will be a little better. I saw the trailer for the sequel so I guess there will be one. And please remember this is from Tempe video so you should know before hand that you are dealing with low budgets and so-so acting anyway. Also with all the zombie movies out there, it was a pretty original idea of why and how it got started. Overall I would have to give this film a thumbs up!
