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Wages of Sin

Wages of Sin (2006)

January. 01,2006
| Horror

A Supernatural thriller that weaves a tale of darkness and suspense. The past will never stay hidden.


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Absolutely the worst movie.


There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


Okay, apologies to Chuck. The "killer" in WAGES OF SIN--styled variously as "The Preacher," "Grandpa," "Reverend Walker"--has simplified the basic tenets of salvation per Martin Luther or John Calvin. All one must do to be "saved" is to let the holy man hack you to pieces with an ax and then eat your remains (minus Hannibal Lector's "fava beans and chianti"). This film is so low-budget that the Preacher would be hard-pressed to come up with even Hamburger Helper or Velveeta.One must wonder about the commentators raving over the merits of this lame flick. When a Billy Graham-clone is exhorting his nine-year-old daughter to eat Mommy for dinner while "Jesus Loves Me This I Know" plays in the background, at least make the sacrilege as eye-popping as DOGMA--or even STIGMATA! Why be damned for 30 pieces of lead?


*sigh* I was really disappointed with this movie. Too many sub-plots and not enough movement on the main plot. I thought this was a movie about a girl who inherited a house, not a zombie, religious fanaticism, slasher/romance... the list of sub plots goes on. It never really goes anywhere. As for the acting, pretty sad someone actually put a camera on the actors. I thought facial expression is supposed to be used while you recite lines. And you can't forget the token dumb stoner... how cliché to have one in a cheesy horror movie. Please don't rent this movie. Not only are you out of nearly two hours of your life, but you are out of your money. I will never get the time spent on this movie back, it's totally wasted, never to return again.


I am a huge fan of horror films and I really enjoyed Wages of Sin. I was very impressed with the directing of this film. I thought the Director, Aaron Robson, did an incredible job. His vision was apparent in the first shot. His choice of actors was excellent. The Casting Director, Partricia Phelan, has a fine eye for talented up and coming actors. I hope we get to see these actors in more films. Not only were the actors very talented, they were beautiful as well. Mr. Robson drove the story forward with well thought out scenes, plot points, themes and top notch acting. I thought Cheyne Wilson did an amazing job on the make-up. As well as the DP and lighting were superb. Since I am a director and writer myself, I could clearly see the creativity, talent, hard work, time and dedication Mr. Robson put into this film. He tackled a tough subject and made it into an entertaining and scary film. Aaron Robson is a director I would like to see do more films. He created a unique and truly original film.


With all due respect to zootie's comments I actually found a bit more positive in this movie. Perhaps it's because I've come off a recent run of really bad ones so by comparison this seemed much better than it really was..who knows. But it wasn't like it was putting me to sleep or anything...and truthfully I found the performances of Ashlie Clark (very nice looking!) and Brandon Michael to be palatable...certainly a notch above the rest of the cast. I do agree with zootie's estimation of the photography and production values...far superior to a lot of the "financially challenged" (politically correct term for low budget) horror flicks I've seen. With 2 fairly attractive females in the cast I was somewhat surprised that this film didn't take the usual "let's toss in some gratuitous nudity so more people will watch it" but I'm actually glad they didn't. Yes, the story tends to stumble over itself and the ending lacks a payoff but on the other hand I admire what the filmmakers tried to achieve and how they went about it. I assure you that although is not a great film, it is better than a lot of the other crap being released that I've had the misfortune of seeing.
