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Delivery (2006)

April. 23,2006
| Horror

Disturbed loner Montgomery Goth struggles to maintain his sanity while working a thankless job as a pizza delivery man. Montgomery's miserable life perks up after he meets the girl of his dreams in the form of the sweet Bibi. However, things go awry and Montgomery's inner demons push him to go off the murderous deep end.


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best movie i've ever seen.


It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.


This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


This is one of those little films that one finds on the bargain bins, I found it that way, the DVD box got me hooked. Shot, as mentioned in the commentary track, for $5000. I am shocked. It looks just like the average $200,000 B-movie horror flick. I am not saying this looks like Lawrence of Arabia, but it is a great indie horror film, with actual character development, it takes its time, that is ballsy.Matt nelson is amazing in his performance, I mean, the guy threw himself into this role and that is admirable. A great film, great concept and a fantastic effort by Jose Cassella and his team.


I got this in Canada, through Amazon.com...They say that "Automaton Transfusion" is the "Holy Grail of indie horror films". And that it was a miracle for being shot for $30,000. I guess those folks didn't see THIS movie miracle.I think Delivery was shot for around $4500?, somewhere in that range. I mean..they spent what producers spend in sodas and bubble gum in ONE day of shooting in a real film set.And the film looks great, in fact, better than most $60,000 and up micro budget films.Character development?, in a horror film?, who knew there were people that still used that.... Delivery takes its time, it makes you work for it, but if you know what you are getting into, you'll find something there, you'll find true smart film-making behind the silly situations and cheesy effects.An awesome performance by the lead, who is dead on perfect for the film. Lets see what these guys can do with an actual budget.Very good, very entertaining, very well done for the budget, huge congratulations!


I must say I wasn't expecting much from this when I bought the DVD, but ended up having an absolute blast. Matthew Nelson gives a surprisingly sympathetic performance. I found myself feeling so sorry for the character, and wanted things to work out for him and his love interest. Suffice it to say he finally slips all the way into madness, and seeks bloody retribution on his numerous tormentors. The best moments in this film come from Nelson really showing the characters pain. Nothing goes right for him, and literally every single person in his life is abusive to him in one way or the other. The dark humor here is hilarious, although some may find the side characters who torture Monty, to be way over the top. Still that makes all the more amusing when the movie goes all out slasher in the final 20 minutes or so. One negative a couple kills showed the films' low budget. Most of it is actually quite effective, but the sprinkler scene for example doesn't quite work. Still Delivery caught me off guard, and entertained the hell out of me. Definitely check this one out.


I rented this DVD last night and actually really enjoyed it.It was a good realistic movie with a believable plot and real ordinary looking people.Even though it's a horror,I haven't laughed so hard in my life. Even though the humor was dark and cruel,it was hysterically funny.For a movie made on a very low budget,this was impressive.It began with a gory scene in a thunderstorm and then begins years later.The actor that played Monty was perfectly cast.I loved it at the end when he got back at his tormentors since they sure had it coming! I enjoyed the original gruesome deaths.That pizza scene really stays in your mindsince it looked so real.I hope there will be a sequel to this movie and that it doesn't end there.
