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It's Magic, Charlie Brown

It's Magic, Charlie Brown (1981)

April. 28,1981
| Animation Family

When Snoopy turns Charlie Brown invisible in a magic act, he has trouble changing him back.


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People are voting emotionally.


If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

Shawn Watson

Annoyed at Snoopy for just sleeping all day Charlie Brown gives him a library card and tells him to go educate himself. The book he comes home with is full of magic tricks which he practises live in front a bunch of Chuck's friends. Some of the tricks work, others don't. But once the show is over Chuck is turned invisible as some kind of weird side-effect. Now with the powers of invisibility Chuck's only desire is to kick a football without Lucy yanking it out of the way at the last minute, as she so often does.I think a lot more could have been done with this story. As soon as Charlie Brown goes invisible he orders Snoopy to fix him. Why not have more fun playing jokes on people? There was a lot of potential here but it's mainly wasted. Fun though.


A magic show can only mean disaster for poor Charlie Brown and his friends, especially when Snoopy is the magician. This charming special is an exceptionally good one in the long line of Peanuts specials, containing the basic ingredients that make up the Peanuts strips- humor, simplicity, and innocence.Snoopy puts on a magic show for the neighborhood kids, and when he makes Charlie Brown disappear (for real!) he can't figure out how to get him back. But rest assured, Snoopy always finds a way in the end, doesn't he? This show gives us some surprising twists to the ordinary world of Peanuts, including a glimpse (for the first and only time, as far as I know) inside Snoopy's doghouse, Charlie Brown's victory at kicking the football (maybe), and a rare moment of Lucy getting (in my opinion) her well-deserved comeuppance when Snoopy performs a feat of levitation on her and leaves her in a very interesting situation.Great fun is always had with Charlie Brown and the gang. This is definitely one to add to the collection.


Snoopy gets a magic book at the library & puts on a magic show. He's, "The Great Houndini." Some of his tricks work and some don't. He cuts up Linus' blanket & it should "magically" go back together, but it doesn't. Then he makes Charlie Brown invisible and can't change him back. The invisible C.B. screws with Lucy & actually kicks the football. Lucy tells Snoopy to make C.B. reappear. Somehow Snoopy gets "magical powers" to bring C.B. back & Lucy says he may not have kicked the ball - no one else saw it. Snoopy levitates Lucy & leaves her up there.Good C.B. fun for all ages. A must see.


I've always liked the Peanuts. The cold reality life is given new life in humorous animations. This is one of the best Charlie Brown shows I've seen. The one where he actually kicks the ball. Enjoyable and fun all the way through. Amazing.
