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Pamela's Prayer

Pamela's Prayer (1998)

June. 15,1998
| Drama Family

This period piece motion picture portrays the unique and heartfelt story of Pamela Bucklin from her birth in 1969 to her wedding day in 1991. When her mother dies at birth, Pamela is raised by her father, Wayne. He makes a commitment to pray with his daughter each and every night. He also raises her with a very high standard of purity before marriage. In an age when purity is scoffed at by the world, and even in some Christian circles, this movie presents the message with inspiration and perspective. Also, the prayerful commitment of Wayne Bucklin is an example for all who are in a parental role.


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I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.


True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.


Much like other titles that fall within the purview of the Christian Film movement, this movie presents a false dichotomy by and between those who aspire toward to the venerated "correct" stance (in this case, courtship), while the alternative stance (in this case, dating) is vilified as the obvious "incorrect" option puts that to me even still. A MST3K-style take-down for this movie would be the only way any entertainment value could be derived from the third-rate production values, nonsensical plotting, ham-fisted dialogue, and (perhaps greatest of all) some laughably bad acting that prompts a "Well bless your heart" response.


I like the movie. It has great teachings... I won't say it is legalistic, because I don't find it like that. It says only what the Bible says. Nothing more or less. But we, "modern" people, don't like the idea of purity, not when it comes against what we are taught by society. Yes, kiss is a big deal. Satan wants to steal the value of it, but we are called to put value back into kiss, into sex. I am 21, and still waiting for the man God has for me. No kisses, no cuddling , no to anything that might bring me in a dangerous area. Don't stir up something you can't fulfill, isn't this what the Bible teaches? And one thing i am not => legalistic. But yes, I do want to be what God called me to be.


STD's, unplanned pregnancies, and the abortions that usually follow, are no laughing matter. Sure, the acting in _some_ Christians films isn't the greatest (although they've improved in the last few years), that's not the point. "Pamela's Prayer" is about living right in a world living wrong. The parameters in Pamela's life, put there by her father, are no different from the parameters the heavenly Father sets before those he adopts as _his_ children. God wants only the best for his children (as any human parent would), and so those rules are there to protect, not only the adopted child of God, but their future marriage as well. Pastor Paul Sheppard (Enduring Truth Ministries), once shared in a sermon that 80 to 85 percent of people who engage in premarital sex, divorce later on compared to those who don't.If this movie can keep just one young person from making the same mistakes I did, then this wonderful piece of celluloid has done it's job. Kudos to Rich Christiano and "Pamela's Prayer"!


Well, it does display good Christian values, and strict ones by today's standards. It's very reminiscent of "Leave it to Beaver", only on a Christian scale. Believers from Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches and those of like faith and practice will *love* this movie for the message that it delivers, even if the acting and storyline aren't very well done.On the other hand, I think most people will think it is extremely corny, especially the more "church hardened" youth. (But frankly I was surprised at the relatively positive response given by the youth of a camp for kids that I viewed it with this weekend. These were unchurched kids, many of whom live in tough situations and with tough backgrounds, so maybe *I* am the more hardened one!) One value that was central to the film was the idea that one doesn't kiss until the pastor says, "You may now kiss your bride." To me, most people will find that idealistic at best and Pharisaic extra-Biblicalism at worst.The bottom line: It's a somewhat cheesy movie with legalistic leanings. But some folks will love that!
