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Films of Fury: The Kung Fu Movie Movie

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Films of Fury: The Kung Fu Movie Movie (2011)

November. 01,2011
| Documentary
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Tells the story of the Kung Fu sub-culture from its ancient Peking Opera origins to its superhero-powered future. From Enter the Dragon to Kung Fu Panda and everything in between, "Films of Fury" features the genre's greatest on-screen warriors, and reveals the legend, the lore, and the loony of the Kung Fu film genre like it has never been seen before.


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Perfect cast and a good story




Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.


A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


As a documentary, FILMS OF FURY is a very limited and shallow viewing experience. Viewers are subjected to awful animation and unfunny situations as the hyperactive narrator and various comic characters introduce and provide a history of kung fu cinema from its origins to the then-present (2010-ish). There's no insight here, no interview with stars or producers, no analysis beyond the most basic (this actor was in this film, this actor was in that film).However, as a clip compilation, it's pretty fun. Clips are shown from a whole host of different kung fu movies, from Chuck Norris shoot-em-ups to Bruce Lee classics, Jackie Chan comedies, and even a section on the grandmaster himself, Chang Cheh. I enjoyed seeing some of these films again and the documentary works well as a simple celebration or reflection on an undeniably entertaining genre of movies. I'm glad I watched it, but I have reason to do so again.


I enjoyed this movie as an overview of the martial arts film genre; however, I must admit that I'm just a casual fan who watches these movies when I encounter them on TV but doesn't really seek them out. I recognized most of the names of the major artists covered in this film and did come away with more respect for the performers and their craft. That being said, if I'd been a devoted follower of the genre, I would've been disappointed. Even I could tell that it only skimmed the surface of martial arts films, focusing primarily on those featuring names recognizable to the American film-goers. I liken it to being a big fan of a music group who's happy that the group is finally being recognized in commercials, soundtracks, etc., but disappointed that only the group's most popular songs are used time and time again, while the lesser known, but often superior, songs are ignored. On a final note, I found the narration and little animation shorts inserted between the film clips really poor and simplistic. I would've appreciated the film more if it had been narrated by an actual participant in the martial arts genre and if the simplistic animation segments were deleted entirely.


This brisk and breezy overview of the beloved chopsocky genre covers a lot of ground in an incredibly short'n'snappy 80 minute running time: Starting with the genre's origins in the Peking Opera, with everything from "Enter the Dragon" to "Kung Fu Panda" crammed in between, this honey just about covers all the essential bases. Naturally, such legendary martial arts trailblazers as Bruce Lee (natch), Jackie Chan (of course), and the unavoidable Chuck Norris get a lion's share of attention, but fortunately we also get segments on Sammo Hung, Gordon Liu, Donnie Yen, Stephen Chow, John Woo (who almost single-handedly created his own sub-genre called "gun fu"), and Jet Li. The ladies are well represented as well by such notable luminaries as Angela Mao, Michelle Yeoh, and Cynthia Rothrock. Naturally, there are oodles of choice clips from movies that range from well-acknowledged classics to lesser known oddball obscurities, plus more outrageous karate fights and astonishing physical feats than you can shake a pair of nunchuks at. Narrated with infectious go-for-it zeal by Yuri Lowenthal, with neat use of stylized animation in the connective segments, an exceptionally thorough and illuminating script by Ric Meyers, and a cool theme song named -- what else? -- "Kung Fu" by Ace, this doc rates as mandatory viewing for both wet behind the ears newbies and seasoned veteran aficionados alike.


For those of you who enjoyed the two documentaries by Mark Hartley, Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! (2008), Machete Maidens Unleashed! (2010) or enjoyed watching American Grindhouse (2010)will probably enjoy this entertaining film about the kung fu/wuxia genre.This documentary starts in silent era, moves quickly into 60's & 70's with names like King Hu, Cheh Chang, Bruce Lee, Gordon Liu etc.80's & 90's dominates by names like Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Tsui Hark and of course John Woo.2000's with names like Donnie Yen, Stephen Chow etc and also what the future for this genre may be with films like Kung Fu Panda (2008)becoming box office hits.The film also depicts the women who did kung fu films such as Pei-pei Cheng, Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock.Critics may say that the documentary only deals with the biggest names, most well known, renowned films of this genre but this film serves its purpose as an brilliant introduction and summary.The biggest flaw for this writer, is the lack of interviews & anecdotes that makes for example Mark Hartleys films so highly entertaining. But despite this I think anyone with interest for kung fu/wuxia films should see this.
