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Loose Change

Loose Change (2005)

December. 11,2005
| Documentary

2nd Edition of Loose Change documentary. What if...September 11th was not a surprise attack on America, but rather, a cold and calculated genocide by our own government?We were told that the twin towers were hit by commercial jetliners and subsequently brought down by jet fuel. We were told that the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing 757. We were told that flight 93 crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We were told that nineteen Arabs from halfway across the globe, acting under orders from Osama Bin Laden, were responsible. What you will see here will prove without a shadow of a doubt that everything you know about 9/11 is a complete fabrication. Conspiracy theory? It's not a theory if you can prove it.Written and narrated by Dylan Avery, this film presents a rebuttal to the official version of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the 9/11 Commission Report.


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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.


Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.


One thousand lines to review this 'Documentary'....Garbage. Absolute Garbage. Leni Riefenstahl would have been proud of this propaganda piece. If you honestly believe this 'conspiracy' to be for real, you need to get your head checked. Conspiracies are like dot to dots, draw a line from here to here, here to here, and the next thing you've got a picture. The theorists out there think this Doco is a Picaso dot to dot, when its actually a 2 year old on sugar. A lot of sugar.The scariest part is that if you don't research this, you would easily be inclined to believe this garbage to be true. The problem is everything is WRONG. The 'facts' are wrong (wrong engine types of aircraft), the experts aren't experts (Lawyers quoted on explosives) UNCLASSIFIED papers on irrelevant information which attempt to justify the false facts Avery is about to give out. An example is when Avery chooses to show the towers coming straight down, encouraging the viewer to believe the demolition theory, when other, easily accessible footage clearly shows the towers bowing and giving way at angles. The moron makes comparisons of a B25(which he says is a B52) hitting the Empire State Building in 1945, with a fuelled a Boeing 757 hitting the trade tower. Unless you knew anything about aircraft, you'd think the priciple was the exact same. What he fails to mention is that the Boeing 757 had 200 times the kinetic energy of the B25 when it 'barely hit' the WTC Tower.I believe that all governments in the world are corrupt at least to some degree, but common sense alone runs this 'doco' into the ground. If this WAS a conspiracy, Im pretty sure that the government wouldn't slip up with things Avery is trying to claim. Thousands of people would have to be in on it. And Avery wouldn't be alive if it WAS true.Averys' smug voice throughout the movie gets very annoying, and his leading questions get rather patronising. I can tell this guy uses an Apple Mac just by the sound of his voice. Its worth a watch, for a laugh.


The point here is not about if the this film proved anything or if there really is a conspiracy. I think what the filmmakers were trying to say is that why all the concealed evidence? If the gov't has got nothing to hide then why can't we see all the evidence that we the American public has a right to. So, I have to say it is very respectable of them to dedicate this film in memory of those perished in 9-11 because, the victims out of everyone has the right to know what really happened and to be honest the gov't haven't shown us everything.I can't say everything in this film made sense but at least, some of it is very convincing. This film has raised a lot of good questions. The American public has a right to know every answer to every question that this film has raised. Like why the small explosions in the Twin Towers after the planes have hit? I'd say that is pretty suspicious. Also, where are the bodies of the passengers for the other two planes? Why can't we hear the evidence from the black boxes on the planes? I'm not saying there is any conspiracy here but I think we have a right to know.For those of you who's seen Farenhite 911. I'd say these two films could be linked together. If you knew what the Bush family has invested in the middle east then you know that is a big enough motivation for them to kill anyone in this world. That's why the old Bush went to war in the middle east and then the young Bush went to war in the middle east. No other president in US history has gone to war in the middle east. Why? Use your brains people. Where does all of Bush's money come from? Not from US tax payers thats for sure. Their money comes from the Saudi Royal Family who just happens to be good friends with Bin Laden. Where does Dick Cheaney's money come from? His money comes from his company that invests in communications of the troops in the middle east and home. Every time there's a war his stocks go up. People kill for money. It's plain and simple. We see it everyday in the news around us. For those of you that don't believe someone in our gov't with power won't kill for money. Then I'd say you need get out of your fairytale world and wake up. If you can make a billion dollars and you need to kill 3000 people in order to do it and you had the power to cover it up and no one would ever find out it's you until your dead would you do it? I'd say a lot of people would. Those of you that say you wouldn't because you never had that kind of power. Power is corruption. Wake up people.Last but not least for those of you who is dissing this film I bet you don't know anyone that has died because of 9-11 and you don't have a son fighting in Iraq. Because if you do you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss this film. You would use your mind and heart and question if all this is worth my loved ones to die for. Is this all worth something? Just ask yourself that question.


I would rate this a 0 if I could. This "documentary" was started as a joke and when Avery realized stupid people would actually believe the crap in it he decided to sell it as a documentary. If you want to throw an hour of your life down the drain then you should watch it (if only for a laugh). Here are some "stats" from Loose ChangeErrors of fact: 81 Post hoc ergo prompter hoc fallacies: 92 Assumptions and conjectures not supported by evidence: 92 Photo & video images that do not support statements being made: 48 Non sequiturs: 24 Opinions expressed on technical subjects by non-experts: 22 Anonymous sources: 19 "Straw man" arguments: 10 Overgeneralizations: 10 Arguments to authority: 3 Similes or metaphors taken as literal statements: 12 Statements misleading because incomplete quotes used: 25Total flubs: 426If you want to see what kind of crap Loose Change tries to claim then go to loosechangeguide. com


I'm a fan of both X-Files and 24 and I found this movie very entertaining. OK, sarcasm aside, I'm not saying these guys are wrong or right. I'm simply saying that as a documentary this film is sloppy and pretty much just propaganda.First I'd like to look at this film as a documentary and not involve the debate it's part of. To put it simple; it's propaganda. As a documentary this film is sloppy and bad. The film makers have one thing in mind; to present the fact as they see it suit their cause and try to convince and convert the viewer. Where as a real documentary would try to give a more objective presentation of all the facts, dig into the stuff and try to present various explanations and in cases of speculation leave that for the viewer to figure out. Loose Change does not at all present or theorize about any other number of plausible explanations for some of the phenomenas, but presents only one side of a story and does what it can to promote the film makers views and blacken the other side.So much for the way of presenting the facts, but the facts, or rather lack there of, they present is far from concrete nor convincing. Their conclusions are based on poor quality pictures and TV images (not necessarily poor as in bad quality, but poor as you don't really see anything) and witnesses (which is known to be very unreliable evidence) rather than any actual hard facts.It has some nice things to it too. There is a nice drive in the presentation and it keeps the viewer watching. The editing is nice enough, but over all is no technical wonder.All together it's a horrible flick and more or less just propaganda. It does not at all work well as a documentary and has an amateur feel to it. However, because it works really well as propaganda and I imagine has a lot of people will be convinced by it I'll give it two stars. Because I'm no fan of propaganda in general I would not recommend this movie and I would advise anyone who watches it to look at it with a critical eye.The only thing they actually manage to prove is that yes, the government is holding back information about certain parts of the events that took place, but that's not really breaking news. The only ones who are naive enough to believe blindly in the "evidence" presented in this "documentary" are the ones who are naive enough to believe the government would go public with everything. Of course the government will hold back information and details in a case like this. Not so much to keep it's own people from learning the truth, but to keep foreign and hostile intelligence from learning what they know.
