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Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood (1922)

January. 01,1922
| Animation Comedy Family

Mother is making donuts: She throws up a circle of dough, and a cat shoots a hole in it. Later, he fishes them out of the oil with a fishing line; he eats one, and loses all 9 lives. Mother puts together a basket for Red to take to granny. Red uses her cart, which is pushed by her little dog; the cart gets a flat tire, and she inflates a donut to replace it. A wolf (a human lothario) drives by in a flivver, and dashes off to grandma's house, where he finds a note saying she's gone to the movies. He shrinks his car and stashes it in his pocket, then waits for Red, who stopped to watch a dancing flower. Red arrives, and they go into the house, where he attempts to have his way with her. The dog rushes off and gets help from an airplane pilot, who uses a skyhook to remove the house and, ultimately, lift the wolf in his car and drop him in the lake. Written by Jon Reeves


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I'll tell you why so serious


Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Little Red Riding Hood" is a 6-minute black-and-white silent cartoon from 1922, so it will have its 95th anniversary next year. It is a very early career effort from Walt Disney and his lack of experience is the only thing I can somewhat think of to justify how bad this little film is. or I could say "how inaccurate". If I had not seen the title, I would not have considered this as a "Red Riding Hood" version at all. I am pretty sure Perrault would not have enjoyed this one. It was as bizarre and off the mark as Disney's other early films that are based on fairy tales (suchas Brothers Grimm for example). This one here is certainly one of Disney's worst, but hey at least he got considerably better in later years. Don't watch.


Little Red Riding Hood (1922)** (out of 4) Entertainment wise, this first film from Walt Disney really isn't that good. There are a few interesting things here and there but there's no question that the legend would go onto much better things. That doesn't mean the film isn't historically important because, as I said, this was Disney's first movie and it was lost for decades until a print finally turned up. The story is pretty simple but don't expect anything like the classic fairy tale. Basically just a few pieces from that are borrowed for this film, which has a grandma making donuts when the little girl goes out to play and gets into some trouble. Again, entertainment wise there's really not too much here as Disney was clearly just learning his touch. The highlight of the film was seeing how the donuts were being made but even this is eventually ruined by it lasting way too long. Still, history and film buffs will still want to check this one out.

Robert Ivey

This cartoon is best known to be one of Walt Disney's first animated cartoons. It's very very old and sound hasn't come to use yet. I suppose back then, people didn't care all that much for plot and wanted to show the magic of how "animated characters can do what we can't do" so there's lots of magical things going on in this one, such as shrinking down a car and putting it in your pocket, and a cat shooting holes in bread.There's no Big Bad Wolf in this story, instead there's a Big Bad Rich Man. I couldn't quite comprehend what was going on, but as far as I could tell, Little Red Riding Hood was delivering treats to grannie's house, and not knowing that grandma has gone away, goes in and finds the rich man she met earlier in the story, they get into a fight, then this young man goes in a plane with a dog that was with Red, and moves the house away, and chases after the rich man in his car, and probably kills him.Now, I may have gotten this plot completely wrong, but that doesn't even matter. This movie was alright, but I can't say it would top the charts for anything. At best it's a revolutionary strange-fest that helped Walt Disney set the tracks for the future, and at worst it's a mediocre confusion that can baffle even the smartest viewers. That's not to say I didn't like this, but it's gonna be lower than most movies I've seen.


According to IMDb, this is the first cartoon made by Walt Disney. Also, until recently, it was thought to be lost.Although the title says "Little Red Riding Hood", the story seems to have very little to do with the classic Perrault fairy tale. Aside from mentioning a few things from the original story, it's mostly a lot of silly nonsense and some bits are WAY overlong (such as the doughnut bit). Now compared to other cartoons of the day, it's about average, but just a short time later, Disney's cartoons improved dramatically--such as "Cinderella" which came out just after "Little Red Riding Hood". And, if you do see one, you should also see the other so you can see the many similarities--such as the characters and style. Overall, a cartoon that hasn't aged tremendously well but it's worth a look for Disneyphiles.
